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She exited her car and scanned the tall and mighty building in awe.

The environment was busy, lots of people went on and about their activities. The name was sculptured at the top of the entry.

Dangali and Sons Ltd.

She locked the car and held the hem of her veil at her side as she ambled into the building.

The receptionist's desk was at the end of the hall, the place was bustling and she received a lot of glances as she headed for the receptionist.

"Morning." She placed the food basket on the desk, a smile on her face.

"Good morning Ma'am, how may I help you?"

"Umm, which floor is the CEO's office?"

The dark-skinned tall lady stared at her derisively and Amira pinned her eyes on her.

"Do you have an appointment Ma'am?"

Do I need an appointment to meet my own husband?

"No." She said instead.

"Well, I'm sorry but_"

"I'm his wife."

The lady gazed her up and Amira will be lying if she said she wasn't getting pissed.

"Okay, I'll place a call to his office. Do have a seat."

"Excuse me?"

"Is there a problem?"

Amira bit down her irritation.

"Nah, go on."

The receptionist placed the call. "There's someone here to meet the CEO... okay." She put down the receiver.

"I'm sorry but he's in a meeting presently."

"Thanks for the information. Now which floor is my husband's office?"

"I just told you he's in a meeting."

"Did I say I didn't hear that? If you don't know, just tell me."

"You should have a seat, I'll inform you when he's out."

Amira took off her shades and sighed.

"Do you think I'm lying?"


"Then are you telling me where my husband's office is or not?"

"Have a seat ma'am."

Amira hissed and fished out her phone from her bag and was just about calling Umar when the elevator adjacent them opened and Khalil walked out, explaining something to a man in a green kaftan.

He stopped when his eyes met Amira and she smiled at him, putting down her phone.

"Ya Khalil."

"Whoa, who do we have here?" He went up to her after excusing himself from the man.

They greeted and he raised a brow at the basket on the desk.

"Amira you know you're a life saver. I was starving only Allah knows."

She chuckled at the silly face he made.

"I was just about calling Ya Umar. What floor is Ali's office?"

"Why do you have to call Farouq? You should've just asked Tabitha."

"I don't think she knows the floor of his office."

He frowned at Tabitha. "Why's that?"

"I heard he's in a meeting Sir." She hung her head.

"And didn't you know she's his wife?"

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