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Amira tossed in her sleep and the cold... it's strange. She slowly opened her eyes and could tell she's the only one on the bed.

That shouldn't be.

She sat up and not only was she the only one in bed but also the room.

"Ash?" She called, thinking he could be in the ensuite but there's just silence.

She climbed down, picking her kimono robe and throwing it over her nightdress. She went to the bathroom and knocked but there's no answer, she opened the door only to find it empty.

Where is he?

She checked in his room but he wasn't there and neither was he downstairs. She went back to her room and got changed into something better wondering where he could be by that hour.

She grabbed her phone and went out only to meet Ya Lubaba and the other ladies hopping into her car.

Amira rushed to them, asked what's going on.

"Goggo, her condition deteriorated over night." Ya Hafsah answered and made space for Amira.

Throughout the ride Amira's mind was with Ali. How's he feeling? What'd happen? Is she really going? Is this it? Ya rabbi give me strength to deal with this and be by my husband, we all need You in this time.

They headed straight to the operating room as they arrived and Amira slowed down as she saw Ali on the floor, leaning on the pillar. She continued slowly towards him and knelt besides him.

La ilaha illallah. Just when she thought they had only the Lamido to worry about for now. Goggo has been okay for the past two days since she woke up and Amira was already becoming less worried about her dying. Even though she's still in the ICU but she could sit up herself and even feed herself. What then happened so suddenly?

She stretched her hand and held his which where between his thighs and belly and he responded by squeezing it between his fingers so much it hurt her but she tried to remain calm.

That one action proved to her that he's really on the edge and if the worse happens... no the worse shouldn't happen.

But if it does happen, then Ali'd be completely shattered. He could become the Ali she got married to, no please don't.

She leaned closer and gave him a hug, planted a kiss on his head and he shut his eyes, welcomed her warmth. But that didn't really take away the turmoil he's in, but it did give him support and he knew he could have her - no, he would have her besides him whenever the going gets tough.

The hall was dead silent except for footsteps as they kept pacing around, their hearts in their throats and silent prayers for her to be alright. Then the adhaan for subh came and nobody attempted going to pray.

The operation has been going on for over an hour then and Ali was at the verge of barging in and demanding to see his grandmother.

Then the green light went off and they all anxiously awaited the doctors whom appeared long minutes later.

They all went towards them but Ali only squeezed Amira's hands tighter, all his hope up praying his Mama was alright.

"How is she?" They kept asking and even from the reluctance in the doctor's voice, Ali sensed danger.

"The head injury she incurred affected the supply to her brain and even though the emergency surgery she had was successful, the damage was already done and some of her brain cells_"

"Cut the long English short." Mansur cut him off impatiently. "Is she alright?"

There's silence for some seconds.

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