"I will be" she whispered after several long moments. 

"You two go get cleaned up, I'll fix you guys something to eat." Rose smiled smoothing her hand over her son's hair. Maria nodded numbly and headed towards the stairs, where Dimitri followed closely behind her. 

"Bathroom is in the guest bedroom there, the cupboard probably has spare clothes in it. Dad keeps them for his security" Maria uttered not bothering to spare a glance at Dimitri before she headed to her own bathroom. Locking the door she turned the shower on and peeled her clothes off, throwing them across the room with disgust. Maria stood in the shower, her legs so shaky it reminded her of newborn lamb struggiling to take its first steps. Maria washed herself quickly and in silence, her entire body ached and longed to sit down. 

Maria reached into her cupboard blindly and put on the first things her fingers wrapped around. Why did they want me to scare Dimitri?  Her thoughts swirled around her head creating a giant confusing mess within her, running her fingers through her damp hair Maria's ocean blue eyes were wide with terror as they darted around the room in panic one thought sticking in her conscience, what if they come back again?  Unable to shake the though Maria rushed to the window and pulled the curtains shut her entire body trembling in terror. A sharp tap on the door had Maria squeaking in fright her muscles frozen as fear consumed her entire body. The distinct sound of the door swinging open behind her echoed throughout the quiet room and Maria trembled too frightened to turn around. 

"Maria" his voice sounded broken and for the first time she detected an accent, turning slowly Maria's eyes settled on Dimitri who was wearing nothing but a pair of tracksuit pants, she found herself swallowing as she trailed her eyes over his muscled, rock hard body, pausing at his v-line she felt her face grow hot as she quickly looked away focusing on the wall beside.

"Maria" he repeated again causing her eyes to snap to  his a devestatingly painful expression was etched onto his face as he regarded her with concern. 

"Are you okay?" he asked softly taking a small step towards her. 

Maria's lower lip trembled and a lump rose in her throat as she stared at Dimitri "No" she uttered softly before silvery tears began to trail down her cheeks and drip from her chin. 

"Hey" Dimitri hushed closing the space between them and cupping the back of head into his chest, the patterns Dimitri drew on Maria's back while she cried bought some comfort as she continued to sob her previous adrenaline rush coming to an end. 

"I don't understand" Maria said thickly her voice clogged as she sniffled leaning back to look at Dimitri

"I know mea dulcis I know" he said softly as he cupped her cheek with his large hand wiping the tears away from under her eyes. 

"It wasn't a trick of the light, was it?" Maria asked softly. 

"Now isn't the time thesaurum" he said softly releasing her cheek taking a step away, Maria instantly missed the warmth and hated herself for doing so, she had to remind herself this man was her teacher nothing more, there could be nothing more or he'd go to jail. Maria took a deep breath and composed herself. 

"You aren't human are you?" she asked softly, her voice steady, she watched as Dimitri's steps faltered before he continued out the door, confirming her suspicion. Dimitri wasn't human and he wasn't about to tell her just what she was. 


After dinner Rose set retired to one of the spare rooms leaving Maria alone with Dimitri once again. 

"You're injured" he said after several moments of silence causing Maria to jump in place. 

"Oh - um, it's not too bad. I will be fine" Maria protested and Dimitri stood up and headed for the first aid closet in the kitchen. 

"Here" he said placing a chair infant of her and sitting in, Maria watched warily as he gently placed one of her legs on his lap, pulling the end of the leggings to show the open wound left from the shackles. Maria stilled at the sound of the growl that rumbled through his chest as he gently skimmed his thumb over the reddened skin around the wound. He rubbed disinfectant over the wound which had Maria hissing in pain and trying to wrench her leg out of his grip. 

"Easy treasure" he hushed as he began bandaging my ankle and then repeating for the next leg. 

"Mr. Lupus" Maria spoke softly her eyes cast downwards as she placed her feet back on the floor. 

"I've told you to call me Dimitri" he protested, Maria tried to ignore the painful way her heart clenched in her chest at what she was about to do.

"Mr Lupus" she repeated taking in a shaky breath "I don't think we should have contact outside of school anymore. I was kidnapped because someone thought we were connected to one another. I don't know what kind of dangerous things you're into but I don't want to be apart of it."

Maria watched as Dimitri's face contorted with pain, before his removed all expression from his features his eyes growing hard "Maria, it won't happen again. I will never let anything happen to you" he implored reaching out for her. Maria stood and backed away from him her hands raised as if she was surrendering, he eyes were wide and filled with pain as her own heart contorted painfully in her chest for a reason she was unable to decipher. 

"No" she cried as he began to advance towards her "please don't" she pleaded quietly lowering her gaze to the floor "You're a teacher, we shouldn't have anything to do with each other, yo- we could get in a lot of trouble. It's not worth the risk." 

"Not worth it" he growled lowly, the dark look in his eyes sparking fear in Maria "Not worth it!" he screamed swiping an expensive vase from the table, it shattered against the floor and Maria flinched watching as the pale porcelain spread across the room. Maria watched fearfully as he advanced towards her growling angrily. Lashing out he pulled her into his embrace and buried his face in her neck breathing heavily as if trying to calm himself down. 

"I'm not going anywhere mea dulcis" he spoke angrily running his hands over her back, igniting a strange warmth and sense of longing throughout her entire being "I am not going to leave you. I am not going to let anyone hurt you. Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise you." he spoke fiercely, leaning back to look in her eyes. 

"How can you be so sure" she spoke her eyes filled with scepticism as she pressed her mouth into a thin line. 

"Because mea dulcis" he breathed in her ear "you're mine."

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