Start from the beginning

I arched my back forward and hid my wings inside my back. I began to jog at in human speed, out running anything that might already be on my tracks. I threw my black hoodie over my head and rested my hands in my pockets. As I reached the end of the park, I needed to seem as innocent as possible.

While I walked out, I could hear the police sirens at the end of walking trail. A bunch of humans stood by from behind a yellow masking tape, trying to capture what ever they just saw on their iPhones. As awkward as I seemed, I crossed over out of the do not cross zone and onto the concrete side walk. I was immediately interrupted by someone calling out my name.

"Excuse me- sir!"

Male, thirty three years of age, scent of the humanized junk food called donuts. He reeked of some type of authority, and a possible threat. So it had to be no other than a police man or security. I turned my head towards his direction, not even bothering to look up from my hoodie.

"How did you get inside? Didn't you hear the news? This area was strictly off limits due to the unknown creature falling from the sky? Do you know how much trouble you could be in?"

I tilted my head up so I could see him clearly, but at the same time prevented him from seeing me.

"Sorry, sir. I was walking in the park with my headphones blasted it up. I'm surprised I even realized what was happening til just now. News come out so slow these days.."

"What are you talking about? We presented the details at least two hours ago! You mean to tell me you were in the forest for that long, with out a care in the world, and unaware of your surroundings and updates this whole time?"

I could sense the negativity reflect off his chest. If I didn't act quickly, he could start something that I wouldn't want to finish.

"Again, sir. I'm very sorry for my unawareness. But the only thing I can do now is apologize."

At this rate, some of the curious people who were taking photos and evidence of the crime scene were now staring at us. I tried to direct as much attention away from this situation as possible, but this man had the brain and the temper capacity of the Incredible Hulk. Don't even ask me how I even knew about that sorry excuse for a super hero.

"Sir... I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me. You might be a witness to the whole experience and are refusing to give us some vital information about the crime scene."

Was I that noticeable? How was he able to sense the sudden discomfort when he caught on to my act? One things for sure, humans were smarter than they presumed. Way smarter than expected.

Before I knew it, I felt the presence of his hand slowly ready out to grasp me. Having the great reflexes that I did, I dodged his attempt to grab me and ran by him, down the street. A yellow car had seen me coming quickly from down the road and had no time to stop. It only took me but a mere glance at the vehicle before I jumped in front of it and balanced my hand on its hood. My weight shifted slightly as I bounced up using only my palm and jumped to the other side of the rode on the side walk.
I heard a bunch of gasps from witness who had unfortunately caught me in the act. Through all the noises and the voices, the one of the male officer's caught me off guard the most. Not only was he trying to cross the street and chase after me, but he was calling back up on what appeared to be a walkie-talkie. At this moment I began to realize that I.. Had fucked up.

But I refused to give up now. Not until I found him.

I needed to find away to track him down some how. I knew we were connected in some way, but I never really understood how it worked. Most of the reason was because I was locked in heaven for most of my life. And I regret escaping when I became less ignorant about my world.

But there was no time to waste. I still had no intel on where the hell this guy might be, and I was already becoming more anxious my the minute. I couldn't tell if the police officer was even following me anymore, and I surely didn't have the stupidity to check. Trust in your instincts. Even if your in the worse case scenario.

I managed to make it down in alleyway away from all possible threats. The darkness illuminating from the lack of sunlight was calling at me for safety. So, I began to hide and steak out, waiting for the right time to keep moving.

"Feé, materialize. now."

After a split second, a small beam of blue light flashed in my face with a cold wind. A small blue cubed box appeared that glowed with features of a star. It's small digital wings blossomed from her nucleus and shined like a hologram.

"What can I help you with, guardian?"

I raised my arm over my eyes and gritted my teeth in annoyance. Its bright glow could just as much blind me as any other creature in this world. It took me a while to adjust to her shine before I responded back.

"God damn it, Feé. Turn your fucking light sensors down, are you trying to kill me?"

"Sorry sir, initiating brightness level 1."

Feé immediately adjusted down into a normal blue glow. I sighed, right before letting it levitate in the palms of my hands.

"Did you find any useful information about my bonder? I need to find him before they find me."

"Yes, sir. But according to my database there's been a breach compromise on his status profile."

She pulled up holographic displays of documents and alternations in his bio. I noticed several things wrong with it and growled angrily. To know someone tampered with it is one thing, but to know who did it was another thing.

"Feé, can you pull up all possible breach situations and who specifically caused it? I know it was apart of my clan, but I want to know who was involved."

"Negative. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but you've been cut off from all access from the whole entire systems database and activities due to treason reasons. I'm not allowed to search further into who did this without complete access to the main station,"
I gritted my teeth as she continued to speak,
"But I can still give you the personal files about this 'guardian' that you seek for."
"Screw it, what's the point if the info it's self has been tampered with and can lead me to the wrong person? If I don't find him soon, then I won't have a choice but to surrender my self to the heavens."

"Not necessarily. You see, when my files were being breached, I was able to save some vial information that you collected in drafts and never submitted to system."

A ghost of a smile appeared on my features before I gave a cocky reply.

"And that's why I love you, Feé."

I'll Protect You, HeichouWhere stories live. Discover now