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Long ass chapter ahead. Be ready to get the full experience starting... Now.

🌓LΣ∇I'S PΩ∇🌓

"Eren Yeager. You were assigned to him 2 years later after he was born. That only gives the assumption that he is younger than you by 2 years, maybe in collage or living in a apartment. Or, still could be in highschool. You never know."

My feet rushed up against the damp pavement. It was already dark outside, and judging by the clouds, a powerful storm was coming. I knew it wasn't coming naturally. I knew the heavens were causing it as a sign of alarm. They were alerting all angels that were on the earth. The only thing I could do now is stay low and continue to find my guardian, with my guidance.

"From what you've gathered when you were little, he's a brunette, partial German, green eyes, and tan skin. He's supposedly human, but again, there were files tampered with sir-"

"I don't care, get me the clearest exit out of this street and alley way now. I sense followers already, and of course, they're after me specifically."

"Right away."

Feé pulled up an entire map on where this Yeager boy could be. She pulled up constant restaurants that had his named registered. He had visited many of the same locations in a specific area.

Sina Lane.

"Sir, I do hope that you don't plan on going straight towards Mr. Yeager's direction. After all, you were the genius who commented that they were so you say 'people following you'."

My eyes widened slightly in realization, but I kept running regardless. Feé was right. If I get anywhere near Jeager then I could possibly give off our only comfort zone and location. What was I thinking.

"Feé. I know this sounds risky, but I need you to pull up from a far away distance and send me the intel on exactly how many hostiles are following me and any symbolic signs they might have identifying who they are."

It took the fairy no time to pull up and dematerialize in thin air. Mean while, I had to run down the empty streets of whatever the hell this place was alone, and find away to lose these tracers. Damn it. I should have known they were gonna act so quickly. The perfect storm for the perfect plan. I realized how intelligent my clan is. And how easy it was for them to be under the influence of someone else with higher authority.

Fog started to build in the atmosphere around the area. This was bad. I could tell they were gonna try and center me down to one area and take me just then and there. I needed to out smart them. And fast. I picked up the pace through the freezing cold rain. I regret having to throw away my black coat in case the cops found me and knew exactly what I wore, but I did this under pure cautious-ness. Now I was forced to breath in the intoxicating air of fog. Not to mention, the only thing I was wearing consisted only of a white blouse and black skinny jeans. I was already starting to lose my breath to the icy chill of winter.

Screw this world's seasons,

But I couldn't stop now. My mind started to wonder on what the hell was taking Feé so long, but my thoughts ceased when it appeared out of thin air.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Sorry sir for my bad timing. But I've brought life changing news-"

"Get to the point, fairy,"

"I've examined the perimeter throughly and have found a series of pattern changes in your followers behavior. They seem to know where you are before you even have a chance to turn that direction. In fact, I think they've know you long enough to know
How you correspond in a situation like this-"

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