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🌓Eren's POV🌓

It took us a while to drive all the way to the fancy academy. Most of the time it was spent in silence. On the other hand, I tried to pull up only simple conversations.Whether if it was with me or not, Levi's kind of... Awkward. Like, antisocial awkward. It's as if he doesn't want to talk, but he enjoys my company is what I can say the least. I snuck a couple glances at him while I drove, and in return he did the same. And whenever our eyes would meet, it felt like we would stare for eternity until the sound of a car horn behind us interrupted our thoughts. I growled in my mind every time someone did, attempting to hold back the bird in case children saw.
When we finally reached the gate of our academy, the gate swung open by itself with the click of my garage like button. I saw Levi raise an eyebrow out the corner of my eye, but he shook it off nonetheless. What was held behind the gates was a whole different story though. A castle-like university with the modern day agriculture and design. Students walked on guided paths, both girls and boys, with maroon Or navy blue jackets with a logo that he couldn't quite make detail of. They all seemed so happy, either laying by themselves on the beautiful grass fields or enjoying their piers conversation.

"Hey, Eren.."

Levi began,

"What is this school or academy thing called?"

"Oh. It's called Technology Institute for Talented and Advanced Noble Superiors. Also known as T.I.T.A.N.S Academy. It's built like circular walls, outermost being Maria, the one we're in right now, along with Sina being the middle and Rose being the inner most."

"Tch. What's with the walls? Why not keep the whole thing equal and not seclude others behind more walls?"

"Well, each wall keeps hold of the richest, the most noble, and future royals. Wall Maria is where the rich ones are, that's basically how we got into this school. Wall Sina is where the most noble intelligent are. They'll come out as doctors, scientists, and future professors. And Wall Rose is basically where all royal blood lie. They're descendants of presidents, kings and queens, or are on the road and have th potential in becoming future historic leaders. But most of them are just from Royal blood."

Levi scolded at this.

"Why are we all separated and determined just by heritage and genes? No one should be labeled and put behind walls like that. It's like taking command of all the students and choosing their own fates. No one should ever have someone else chose their own fate."

My brows narrowed down slightly as I listened to him.

"I know, I know. But the school has ran like that for years, they'd be damned if someone like us came in and took control. Besides, the Royals like that. They pay extra money from their heritage just to get as far as way from us as possible."

"I don't believe they all do that, but I'm not doubting they do. It's just so selfish and incompetent to pull away others and label them as the highest and supreme without them proving themselves to be worthy. This school sickens me with its pathetic sense of equality. I don't want to be here any more."

I slowly pulled up towards an empty parking space around a corner beginning to argue back.

"Listen, I know this school might seem a little... Snotty, but if I can live long enough through all their drama then I'm sure as hell that you ca-"

"Eren! Watch out!"

A car sped in front of us and made a sharp turn. We were slowly tuning into that same spot... The once empty parking spot filled in by a big BMW.
Our black Dodge Challenger made a quick pull backwards and hit the breaks, making our whole bodies jolt forwards. Levi curse for half wearing his seat belt and hit his forehead on the car interior. He grunted in pain and swung his head back, this time landing on the cushion of the chair. When I finally gained correct focus on the situation, I looked towards the white BMW in front of us. Then, I turned towards Levi to see if he was okay, earning a low growl in return. My brow furrowed downward again and I quickly glared back towards the other vehicle. Noticing its familiarity, I gritted my teeth in annoyance in realizing who owned it.
And just in time, the roof of the car slid
open and a drunk female student waved her hands lazily in the air towards us. Then, 'he' popped up with her. I didn't even hesitate to pull down the window and look out towards him. Him being 'Horse-Face'. Even though I knew it was wrong to label people so easily, but there was no other way to describe him. Even his last girlfriend, Mina, mentioned he was nothing but a Jock from the beginning to the start.

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