Chapter 2: Battles of the Sky and Mind

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Knockout quickly hurried down the hall, of the warship. The thought of Megatron shouting at him fresh in his mind. A large metal door, slid open allowing him to enter. Inside was the commutations office, Soundwave.

"Soundwave, have you found anything yet? Megatron is going to have my head if we don't find that seeker!" said Knockout as he rushed into the room.

Soundwave didn't answer as usual. The decepticon commutations officer just stood there, emotionless.

"I just can believe that he might kill me over Starscream! A month ago, that seeker wasn't even worth worrying over, and now finding him is suddenly one of the top priorities." Knockout continued.

Knockout's rant continued, but soundwave, payed no mind and focused on the screen in front of him. The scanner was the same as it had been ever since he found the files. An endless search of the planet with no, alerts. Suddenly, a small red dot appeared on the scanner, they found him. Soundwave smoothly turned around to knockout, waiting to be noticed.

"It's hard enough to catch a normal flyer, but this is starscream. He may be and idiot, but he's an idiot that knows how to disappear." Knockout when on, as soundwave just continued to watch.

"We, shouldn't be looking for him! what's is even on those files," knockout paused his rant when he saw Soundwave's faceless figure staring at him, "Why are looking at me like that?"

Soundwave smoothly turned back to the scanner and pointed at the red dot. Knockout suddenly took an interest in the scanner, and when over for a closer look.

"Well, looks like I'll be keeping my head after all. Find out his exact location, I'll fetch Dreadwing."


Up. Down. Left. Right. He flew, the wind rushing around his outstretched metal wings. The sky embraced him after weeks of being shielded from her loving blue gaze. He was enjoying himself so much, that he forgot that someone was watching him, until he heard a whistle and clapping. His gaze looked down at his little one-person audience. Nya was smiling, her eyes looked so much brighter in the sunlight. He turned back toward the ground and landed.

"Impressive!" Nya shouted before whistling again.

"You liked it?" said Starscream.

"Of course, I never thought I would get a privet airshow in my back yard."

Starscream chuckled at her joke, he looked down at the ground, wondering, and asked "Nya why did you help me?"

"Didn't I tell you already? You needed help; I couldn't just leave you in the dirt."

"Are you sure that it had nothing to do with the fact that I'm jet?"

Nya froze, "I-I don't know."

Starscream looked at her confused.

"When I saw your wings right away, I could tell that you could fly any one with lick of plane experience would know. I knew that without intervention you wouldn't survive much less be able to fly. I might have helped you because I didn't want another pilot's or whatever you were, wings' to get clipped."


"When humans don't want their pet birds to fly, they clip their wings. That's kind of how I felt like after the...uhm...accident. A bird that got their wings clipped, and I didn't want that to happen to anyone else."

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