Chapter Twenty Two

978 35 7

Ricky Montegomery - Mr. Loverman. 


Guilt tugged at my stomach as I waved goodbye to Kai. He pressed his lips together and dropped me off at my apartment, driving off without another word. Silence had hung between us the entire ride home, thick enough to cut with a knife. 

My mouth had opened and closed like a fish out of water, trying to form words, but every time I thought of something, my words flushed out of my mind. 

I wish I had said something. Let him know that a part of me felt the same. Or at least, I think a part of me felt the same. 

Snowflakes swirled down from the sky, the Christmas season just peeking around the corner in about three months. It was quite a while until it hit, but that didn't stop the snow from falling early. It always did. 

My breath puffed out in front of me as I stuffed my arms under my arms, awaiting the abrupt chill that was sure to come. My legs shook with the cold, but they refused to move me inside. I stood, the golden glow of the lobby shining from behind me. 

Kai's car had disappeared long ago, but I still stood. Was I hoping he would suddenly come back and apologize for admitting what he did just so I could tell him I felt the same? 

I wanted an opportunity to tell him. I was sure this time. I was so sure I would be able to muster up the courage to tell him the three words he had uttered to me earlier. 

"Idiot," I snapped at myself. My legs refused to move from where they stood. My feet were glued to the concrete, unable to move into my apartment building or after Kai. I knew I wouldn't catch him. He was far away by now. But I still wanted it. Wanted him to come back. 

I waited for a while. Two minutes. Three. Five. Ten. 

I turned back and entered the building, quivering with with chill. 

A day passed. Three. A week. 

I shot Kai a text message, apologizing for that night. He replied fairly quick, stating that everything was purely his fault and I had nothing to be sorry for and that we would be getting along just fine in no time. 

We weren't even getting along. We weren't even seeing each other anymore. It had been almost two weeks since I last saw Kai in person. I saw his cheeky smile on the TV or on billboards, but never in person. 

Every single day was just another lie about not missing him. I missed Kai terribly. If I could take back everything from that night, I would. If I had known what went down, I would have refused that invitation entirely. The last message Kai had sent me was the one of that night. 

"So? Any news?" One of my co-workers asked, clipboard clutched in her arms as she struggled to keep up with my strides. 

I shrugged. "Nothing new. He's busy. We're barely even acquaintances." 

Her cheeks puffed out as she sighed with disappointment. "Are you positive? Surely something might have happened between you two and you're just not saying anything about it," she pried. 

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