friends again.

64 3 0

~skip to the end of the because ya~
At my locker I feel someone tap me I turn around and see payton
Payton:so mine or yours for the history project
Luna:can we do yours mines a mess
I grab my stuff out of my locker
Payton: ready?
We walk to his car we both get in payton looks at me I look at him
Payton:luna I'm sorry I really am I'm sorry for slut shamming you and saying that you fucked Jaden and getting together with avani I was drunk when I asked her to be my gf and now she won't let me break up with her I am extremely sorry
Luna:payton it's fine
Payton:you sure
I nod my head yes payton hugs me I hug him back we both let go and I get a text
Ant 😒:hey luna I'm staying at kios for the rest of the week.
Luna:okay! Have fun I love you
Ant 😒:love you to
I put my phone down payton starts the car and starts driving
Payton:so... How was your day
Luna:um fine I guess. How was yours?
Payton:great I missed you
Luna:I missed you to
We pull up to paytons house and we get out and walk in Faith walks over to me and hugs me I hug back
Faith:I missed you I HATE that Avani girl
I giggle
Luna:I missed you to
Payton:lu we have to work on our history project
Luna:oh right
I let go of the hug and me and payton walk to his room we sit on the bed I smile
Payton:why you smiling
Luna:u-uh u-um just t-the
Luna:the smell of your room makes me feel safe so basically the smell of you makes me feel safe
Payton smiles and blushes
Payton: really
He smiles and looks at me
Payton:c-can I have cuddles
I nod he lays down and pulls me on top of him I smile
Payton:thank you all Avani wants to do is fuck
I look at him play with his hair
Luna:I'm sorry
Payton:it's fine I just don't like it
Luna:break up with her
Payton:I can't
Luna:why bub- I mean Payton
Payton:you can call me what you were gonna call me angel
Luna: okay. why bubba
Payton:she said she would kill you
Luna:that bitch isn't gonna touch me shes a pussy
Payton laughs
He texts avani saying he's gonna break up with her he smiles and puts his phone down
Payton:I did it
I put my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his waist

Sksksksksksk hihi 😏 word count 442

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