mystery man?

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Anthony leaves us thank God I hate him anywhores I realize we forgot to get coffee
Payton:yes angel
Luna:we forgot coffee
Nick:we could call Cyn,ness or char there not here yet
Luna:good idea ugly
Vinnie:shit! Nick bro I forgot that you drive yourself to school
Nick laughs
I text char
Girl fran 😏🤗
                Luna:hey babes can you grab coffee
Girl fran 😏🤗:ofc bubs everyone's usual?
Girl fran:okay I'll be there with the coffee soon bye bub 💕
                            Luna:bye bean 💞
End of texts
Luna: Char's bringing the coffee
Tb: okay tb=the boys
I see cynthia and I smile and run over to her and give her a hug
Luna: wifeeee
She kisses my forehead I smile
Nick:y'all make me feel single
I let go of cynthia and giggle
Luna:were not dating dummy
Nick:I know but still
Cynthia laughs I walk to my locker to put away my backpack till I here a faint voice and it sounded so familiar I look over and see a man he started walking up to me he quickly hugged me I looked around to see if any of my friends were around and of course no one
Guy:OMG my baby girl
Luna:w-who are you?
Guy:I'm your dad luna
I close my locker and get out of his grip and run to find payton I am so shocked he left me for drugs what does he want what if he takes me away what if he abuses me like my mom I start crying I see Payton and he runs over to me
Payton:hey hey what's wrong
He hugs me I hugs him back
Luna:m-my dad is h-here
I say crying into his chest
Payton:is he clean baby
Luna:n-no he smelled like pot and sex
Payton:I'm sorry angel do you wanna skip today? We can cuddle at my house all day
I shake my head yes
Payton:do you wanna get your stuff out of your locker? Or just leave it
Luna:g-go get it
He lets go of the hug and takes my hand we walk to my locker and see my dad still there I quickly grab my stuff out of my locker not letting go of Payton's hand I close my locker my dad looks at my vape
Dad:why the fuck do you have that?
Luna:i-its mine
I kinda got scared cause I was on the verge of having an anxiety attack
Payton:were leaving now bye
Payton pulls my hand a bit lightly and I walk with him out the door to his car we get in
Payton: it'll be okay angel
I look at him
Luna:I-I don't think so
Payton garbs me lightly and puts me on his lap and hugs me I cry into his chest
Payton:shhh baby let's go to my house now
I get off his lap and sit in the passenger seat payton starts driving

Hey guys how did you like this chapter?
Word count 505

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