Green Arrow's shoulders slumped and he sighed. "I'm going to go make a phone call, I'll be right back."

Percy watched him go as Batman continued to work. "He okay?" He asked. "Just concerned. Everything will be alright though. I've got to brief the team in 10 if you don't mind."

"Oh, uh, sure. Yeah, I'll just go now." Feeling awkward, he hurried out of there and noticed Green Arrow off to the side staring out the window. He shrugged, went to the Zeta Tube and went home.
As soon as Green Arrow was sure he wasn't coming back, he made the call.

"Hey Artemis, I need you to do me a favor."

Mt. Justice

Black Canary had just arrived at the cave. As she looked around, she saw Raven and Miss Martian in the kitchen, and the rest of the team were sparing against Superboy.

"Ahem." Everyone's heads snapped towards her and she walked up to the training area, standing in front of the team. The two girls made their way from the kitchen into the the line that had formed up in front of Canary.

"So, got a new mission for us?" Wally excitedly asked. Robin rolled his eyes while Kaldur just responded for Dinah.

"Wally, Black Canary only comes here to train us. She isn't authorized to give us missions."

Dinah raised an eyebrow as Wally sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Still got to try though."

"It's okay Wally, Batman will give us a mission soon." Megan spoke up. "The speedster quickly changed his attitude. "Well of course babe, but I'm not complaining. C'mon, let's train sugar, be my sparring buddy." He sent a wink towards the martian and she just smiled and proceeded to ignore him. Raven, who was watching from the side, felt proud.

"Alright, alright. Let's get to it. Lately I've been teaching you how to fight opponents in hand-to-hand combat. Well, today I'm going to be teaching you how to go at Metas. I'll be using my Canary Cry when we spar, any questions?"

Seeing as there were none, she continued. "I'm going to need a volunteer."

Kaldur was about to take a step forward, but Wally beat him to it. "Dibs!"

"Wally, perhaps it is best that I go first?"

"Nah man, I want this. Perfect match up."

Dinah was thinking about how wrong he was, and how he most likely had no reasons except for the fact that she was attractive when he surprised her.

"I can move at the speed of sound, she uses sound waves in her Cry. It'll be good practice at dodging large fast range attacks and get me to 'broaden' my horizons more."

To say the entire team was stunned would be an understatement. "Wally," Robin began, "that might've been the smartest thing you ever said."
Dinah nodded, "I'm impressed Kid Flash. But that's the type of thinking you need to have in order to better yourself."

Wally blushed at this, "Guys, guys, you're embarrassing me."

"Alright, enough talk. You ready?" Wally nodded and got in a fighting stance. "Good." And with that, she lunged at Wally, who was dodging her punches and kicks to the best of his ability.

Canary went to kick Wally in the chest and he caught it, planning to throw her off balance. In a seamless transition she twisted her body sideways in the air, looked at him and screamed. "Ah!" He stumbled back, hands on his ears.

Dinah stopped and stood up. "You always have to be on your toes, especially when up against an unknown."

Wally calmed down and nodded, and everyone on the sideline finally unplugged their ears. "Welp, should've seen that coming," Robin joked. Raven promptly smacked him on the head and rolled her eyes. "Hey!"

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora