Chapter twenty nine

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The car was cramped, but you didn't mind, considering it meant that you were happily snuggled up on Feitans lap, watching the streetlights blur past the window as he gently traced patters up your arms with his fingers.

The group pilled out of the cars disguised as shadow beasts after having followed Machi's nen string to the location where Uvogin was being held. It was decided that you and Feitan would stake round the back whilst the others went in to get the missing member of the group.

Understanding the importance of the mission, you and Feitan now found yourself facing each other, leaning against opposite building walls in a damp alleyway- similar to the one you had first ever laid eyes on him, all those weeks ago. Thinking of this, you gently smiled at how far you had come since then

"What are you smiling at?" Feitan asked, his curiosity finally getting the better of him after having studied your face for the past few minutes

"Just remembering the first time we met"

"Which part? The torture or the sex?" He responded in a thick voice and a smirk

"You forget that its only torture if the victim isn't enjoying it. And trust me, I was very much enjoying myself" you responded with the same sexual energy laced in your voice

"Believe me, I am well aware of how much you enjoyed yourself"

Chuckling at how easy a thick sexual tension was created between the two of you, you answered;
"I wasn't even thinking of that though. This alleyway reminded me of when I first saw you after you beautifully butchered those guys. I just saw you and, it's was like in that instant I just knew..." you trailed off, resurfacing some deep wounds as you grew closer to those three syllables that you desperately wanted to scream at him. Just three words- but it hurt too damn much. You knew you felt it. That was for sure. So why is it so fucking hard?!

"[Y/N], I..." he started, walking towards you.
Before he could finish the sentence though, another ear piercing scream from Uvogin could be heard from within the building. Snapping out of your trance your head whipped round as the backdoor of the building crashed open and three figures sprinted out.

You caught a glimpse of blond hair of one of the taller figures. His head twisted round and you saw his eyes. They were as red as the blood of a hundred lost spirits. They held so much excruciating pain that from that simple glance, your heart contracted and you felt the weight of the strangers crushing guilt. This poor soul, You thought to yourself, How much has he been through to get those eyes. It was as if he was drowning in an indescribable emptiness

Feitans hand instantaneously reached for the hilt of his katana, and as he moved to strike them down, your hand rushed up and grabbed his arm. His head snapped back to meet your gaze, doubt and anger rising in his look.

"You cant. They can't die yet."

"Let. Me Go." He seethed, venom spitting out with every syllable. His eyes turned hostile. You were no longer looking at the man who you adored. This was something entirely different. He was a starving predator who's prey just escaped. He looked at you in such a way that you quickly retracted your now trembling hand, despair coating your features. You had never thought that Feitan would look at you as if he wanted to kill you. He had never done it before, not even when you first met. It was as if he was willing every atom in your body to stop existing.

"..I...I'm s-sorry..." was all you managed to mutter out, taking three fast steps back, away from the man who you were now terrified of.

Feitan was writhing in anger. He knew about your ability to distinguish those who needed to live and those who needed to die. He had accepted it. But never, NEVER did he once think that you would stop him from doing his job and completing his mission.

By the time he turned back to the figures, they were gone and out of sight. Without looking back, he began to walk away, anger cursing through his veins

"This is your fault" he spat over his shoulder as he walked away, leaving you alone in the alleyway, tears falling silently from your eyes.

These last few chapters have been a bit rushed but I rly wanted to get something out to you guys! Sorry ;)
13k <3333333
Have fun and stay safe x

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