Chapter 7 - Know The Truth

Start from the beginning

We sticked to the walls like I said and continued through the offices. I would say we avoided most of the stalkers that way. But when we finally arrived at the end of the office one of the stalkers jumped at Andrea when she wanted to open the door. -"Shit!.." She kicked it back, right into my arms and when I held it she stabbed her knife to it's head. Soon after we heard more of the infected coming our way. -"Fuck. The door!" I yelled at Andrea. She slammed her body to the door but it was stuck. -"Help me!" She told me and we slammed our bodies to the door repeatedly until it opened. We imidietly ran inside when a stalker missed me by inches. -"Find something to hold the door with!" Andrea told me as she held the door. Before I could look around another stalker launched itself at me and slammed my body to a window behind me. -"Get offa me!" I yelled and got Andrea's attention. She let go of the door and went to help me. When she stabbed the knife into the stalkers back the window behind me broke and all three of us fell into the ragging river under it. I emerged and took a deep breath. -"Andr-" Before I yelled for my best friend the stalker pulled me under the water again. I stabbed my knife to his chest two times before his grip weakened. Once again I took a deep breath when I emerged. I wanted to call out for Andrea but then I heard her calling my name. -"Ellie!?" -"I'm here!" I yelled back and tried to swim to her put the current was too strong. Finally we grabbed each others hand. Then Andrea wrapped her body around me in a deffensive way and took the hit from a wall that finally slowed down the river. Andrea's breath was knocked out of her lungs for a bit.

Then I helped both of us onto a solid floor of a sewers we found ourselfes in. -"Ughr, fuck Seattle." I said. -"*cough* *gasp* Speaking my language. *cough*." Andrea kind of chuckled when she standed up. -"Man, are you okay? What the hell were you thinking back there?! You could've get hurt!" I started kind of angry at her. -"Well, still better then you getting hurt in my book." She replied. I took a deep breath. -"You're such a sap." I smiled. -"Uh huh." She said and we used a nearby ladder to get out on the streets again. We came out of a canal. -"Damn, now where did we end?" Andrea asked whe she looked around. I checked a map nearby. -"It says we're here, and the hospital" I pointed everything out on the map. -"Cool, I say we cut through this park." Andrea pointed infront of us. -"Yeah, good idea." I agreed with her. The park was overgrown with all kinds of green. Unexpectadly. When we were walking through the park I heard a strange whistle. -"*Strange whistle*." I slowed down. -"Did you hear that?" Andrea asked me. -"Yeah, what the fuck was that?" I replied. Another two strange whistles came. -"*Strange whistle, strange whistle*." Anyway we continued through the park. -"Hey, once we get to the hospital. What if-" I was cut off by a high pitched loud whistle and an arrow hitting my shoulder. -"Aaaghr!" It knocked me back down from a small high ground I climbed onto right before then.

I fell right into Andrea's arms. We hid behind the high ground. The strange whistles got closer. -"Ellie, we have to pull that arrow out....." Andrea whispered. -"Fuuuck." I clenched my teeth. Then she grabbed the arrow and I nodded at her. She pulled the arrow out and I bit my tongue to stay quiet. -"Quick we gotta hide." She then pulled me into a bush, we layed in it and waited for the whistling people to check our previous location. -"They're not here." One of them said, they all had scars on their faces. -"Could this be the scars?" Andrea asked like she read my mind. -"I guess so." I replied and crouched to a different bush. Then I aimed my silence pistol at one of the scars and pulled the trigger. The gun shot and my target gropped down with a bullet hole in his head. A woman next to him saw it and just when she put her fingers in her mouth to warn the other, Andrea's arrow went through her skull. Just in time. -"Nice, keep going." Andrea told me. Thanks to the park being overgrown we had a perfect hiding in the grass and bushes. When we were sneaking around on of the scars we heard really loud and long whistle. -"Fallen...." The scar near us mumbled to himself. Andrea was quick to grab him and stab her knife to his neck. Then she nodded at me and we continued. Soon the park ended and we were no longer able to hide so well. I noticed a sign showing a way to the hospital but the road was blocked. We'll have to cut through a building again. It was a short distance between us and the door we wanted to go to but the scars were all over the area. -"Hey, when I say go. We ran to that door." Andrea whispered to me and I nodded. CRASH! Andrea threw a bottle opposite us and I sprinted to the door. I slammed my body at it and it opened slightly. -"*Aggressive whistle!!*" They saw us. I pushed the door once more and slipped through the created gap. I desperately pulled Andrea inside by her hand and we closed the door shut as fast as we could. We could hear the scars outside but they left after a few tries.

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