Chapter 5 - Fuck Seattle

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Andrea's P. O. V

BANG! BANG! BANG! -"So, this was your plan?!" I yelled while I was running through the halls of the TV studio. -"Just keep running!" Ellie replied to me also heavy breathing and running. Ellie ran first, then Dina and lastly me. We ran while the Wolfs were shooting at us, none of us didn't really know where we were running. We ran outside the studio and headed the only possible way, and that was through a large ditch in the road above us. -"In here!" Ellie yelled and opened a door for us. Dina and me quickly followed her. Once we were inside Me and Ellie baricaded the door with nearby vending machine while Dina kept her gun aimed at the door. The Wolfs tried getting inside but couldn't. -"Shit! They baricaded it!" We turned back from the door and analized where we even are. I didn't see much, there was a lot of debris blocking our way but we could crowle through. -"Okay, we can squeeze through here. Let's find another way out." Ellie said and lead the way. -"Hope there is one." I said a bit sceptical. Once we crowled through the debris we found ourselfs in another ruined room. Dina checked for a way out and saw a pipe. It was big enaugh for a person, but damn how I hate these tight spaces. -"I see a way through but we got spores on the other side." Dina warned us. -"Got it." I replied and we all put on our masks. Including Ellie. I crowled through the pipe first and the girls soon followed. -"Stop!" Dina rapidly whispered and grabbed my shoulder. I froze and listened, and heard clicking. When I down the hole that was near me I could see clicker. Luckily he didn't use his echolocation on us so we quickly slipped out.

We found out that we are in a subway. How I fucking love these places, so many good memories...... -"Search this place. The tresspasers must be here somewhere. But keep it quiet if possible." We heard WLF soldiers, they alredy had this place lit up bright red with their flares all over the place. We hid behind a nearby boxes. -"Shit, what now?" Dina asked. I looked at Ellie and smirked. She did the same and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I nodded my head in the Wolf's direction while still smiling at Ellie. She didn't hasitate and grab a bottle and threw it towards the soldiers. CRASH! The Wolf's ghasped in shock and waited if the infected heard it. They did and we heard their angry screeching and screaming as they went for their prey. -"Fuck! Something pissed them off!" One of the Wolf's said but a fight has already begun. Me and the girls took that chance and sprinted towards a wagon that looked like it can get us somewhere safer at least, but the doors were busted. -"Fuck! Andrea help me with this!" Ellie told me and we started to pull the door until it opened. I finally opened but cought the attention of a nearby clicker. -"Go! Go! Go!" I yelled at them and rushed them in the wagon. Then I followed them and Ellie helped me to close the door again, just in time for the clicker to slam it's body against it. -"Fuck, babe. I'm ready to get out of here." Dina out her hand on Ellie's shoulder. -"Yeah babe. Me too." She took her hand to hers. Can't say that didn't hurt but as much as I wanted I couldn't look away. -"Th-Then let's find a way out, no?" I said and took the lead.

After a long search we found an air-conditioning shaft and tried our luck. We were crowling through it and could see the Wolfs under us fighting the infected. But it sounded different. -"Another Shambler! Fuck! Kyle, I won't leave you buddy we can-" Before the soldier could save himself and his friend an infected I've never seen before ran to them and exploded into a big cloud of acid spores. -"What the fuck?!" Ellie said when she saw it. -"Have you ever seen anything like it?" Dina asked through her shocked breaths. -"No, never." Ellie replied to her. -"Oh how nice, I was getting bored with only four stages." I replied to them and after a few moments of crawling through the vents we finally jumped down to a room. Once we dropped down I could hear some fucking growling that didn't sound any familiar to me. I looked on my left and saw Shambler. Well at least we know they're blind. He then turned around and walked away. I tried backing out but Ellie stopped me. -"Wait, another one on the left." She said and pointed out the Shambler. -"Shit. How do we kill this things?" Dina asked. I took a few second to think and then pulled out an explosive with a mouse trap on top of it and a few wires leading all over it. -"What's that?" Ellie asked.

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