Chapter 7 - Know The Truth

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Ellie's P. O. V

Andrea finished the last stitch and Dina walked in. -"Hey, Jesse's passed out." She said. -"Okay." Andrea said and moved away from me a bit. -"And Hannah?" I asked. -"Still haven't showed up." Dina replied. I walked to the map Dina was marking all the known locations. -"Anything new?" I asked. -"Yeah." Dina walked to me. -"Abby?" I asked almost excited. -"No. But Nora and Alex were assigned to the hospital." Dina told us and Andrea imidietly tensed up when she heard Dina talk about her torturer. -"This hospital?" I pointed at a nearby hospital on the map. -"Yeah." She replied. I walked to my backpack and put it on. -"Wait, you wanna go now?" Dina said shocked. -"Yeah, we know her location. Maybe Tommy does too." Okay, that was a lame excuse. -"At least wait for Jesse to rest up-" -"Or Hannah to return." Andrea completed Dina's sentence. -"They could be gone by then." I insisted by pleading with Andrea with my look. She took a deep breath but eventually put her backpack on. Dina looked at me like I'm hurting her or something. -"What?" I asked. -"Nothing....." She said quietly. I know she's lying but I don't have time for this now. -"Good. Can you come help us with the door please?" I asked instead. -"Yeah, sure be right there." She said. With that I walked out of the room. -"Andrea, a word please." Dina stopped her when she was walking out of the door. Andrea walked back in, I know I shouldn't but I came to the door and listened to what Dina wanted from her. -"What is it Dina?" Andrea asked her. -"Andrea.....I.....I have to ask....Do you think she's loosing it?......Herself I mean." Dina asked hesitantly. There was a moment of silence before Andrea answered her. -"No I don't." She said completely uncertain of her answer. I know Andrea a long time, I know when she's lying. And this is a big lie. -"Okay..." Dina replied but by that time I was already making my way to the door.

Dina opened the door for us and with a quick kiss and hug we said our goodbye. I hate leaving her like thi but it needs to be done. Andrea gave her a tight hug too and we got going. -"So, um, I wanted to say this earlier but I didn't want to freak Dina out by saying this. I know it's gonna soud bad and maybe a bit fucked up but......" Andrea spoke while we were walking to the hospital. -"What is it?" I asked. -"It's just.....Alex is mine. I want to kill her." She said. -"Of course. Wouldn't have it any other way." I reassured her. We continued to the hospital and it took us like forever to even get somewhere where we could at least see the hospital. -"Ellie, there. The hospital." Andrea said and pointed it out in the distance. -"Fuck. I thought it'll be closer." I complained. -"Hmm, well no turning back now." Andrea replied and jumped down from the brick wall we were standing at. -"See any way down back to streets?" She asked. -"Nope." I replied. -"Cool. Guess we're cutting through this building then?" She said and pointed at the only possible building to cut through nearby. -"Yup." I popped the 'p'. We had to break a window to get inside.

Once we were inside a disgusting smell hit our nosetrils. -"God. What is that?" Andrea asked me. -"I don't know. And I don't think I wanna find out. Let's just get out of here." I replied. We looked for a way out when we came to a bathroom with two dead WLF soldiers. -"Shit, that explains the smell." Andrea said. -"Yeah, they really got these ones." I said seeing all the ripped flesh and the pool of blood all around. -"Do you think the infected are still here?" Andrea asked and just when we turned around to leave the bathroom a stalker waited for us there. I quickly aimed my gun at it but it ran away. -"Well, that's your answer." I replied to Andrea. Andrea took her bow out and we followed the stalker's bloody footprints. -"Why are we following it Ellie? Do you wanna get killed?" Andrea whispered. -"Andrea. If there was a way out those WLF's would use it. This is the only way out." I replied also whispering. -"I just hope you're right." We turned around the corner and the stalker's footprints ended in a baricaded hallway. -"What the hell? Where did it go?" I looked around confused. -"I'd say up there." Andrea showed me bloody hand and footprints leading to a window above the baricaded door. We could see spores on the other side. -"Nice one. Spores ahead, put your mask on. I wouldn't wanna have to shoot you in the face." I said. -"Oh, that's so sweet." She chuckled in reply and put on her mask. I climbed up through the window and landed safetly on the other side, in some kind of big office. My presence alerted a group of nearby stalkers. They looked at me and soon after Andrea landed next to me, scaring them into hiding. -"Stalkers." Andrea proceeded between her teeth. -"Yeah, better stick to the walls, so they don't jump you from behind." Ellie said. -"Yeah. I know." She brushed me off.

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