ch 32; the ending

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About a hour later the town people have'd escaped and run away. They are heading to Kakarito village in first place until they know where to head next.
Zelda starts shaking with her whole body and closes her eyes.
"I can't keep going as I do now..." She pants and is breathing heavily and with no ryhtm with her breathing.
Suddenly she stumbles and the chains of lights around the struggling dragon shatters into pieces.
The dragon is free.
"Oh no..." She complains and falls down onto her knees.
Link turns around after have'd fighting against two Lizalfos.
"Are you alright?" He asks and wides his eyes terrified when he sees how the dragon determined flies to the castle and shoot out bolts of fire who set the town and the castle in fire.
Zelda furrows her eyebrows sadly.
"I'm fine...But the town and the castle..." She says and can't believe her eyes how her home is about to get burned down.

Suddenly weird waves of electricity shoots out as rings around the dragon's body.
Sidon tilts his head curiously and walks against Link and Zelda.
"What is it doing now?" He asks exhaling.
"No idea..." Link says and jolts when he hears sparkling sounds from his sheikah slate.
"Huh?" He takes up his sheikah slate and notices it's glitching there grey, white and black lines are jumping around rhytmcally at the screen.
"Something is wrong with my sheikah slate..." Link comments.
Zelda takes up her own sheikah slate and notices the same problem with her as Link's.
"Mine too..."
Suddenly they notices how the offline metallic guardians stands up from the ground around the field and starts walking against them.
Instead of lighting in blue they are shining in red.
One of the guardians aim its red Flashlight from its one big eye at Link and ticking sounds appears.
Link wides his eyes.
"Oh no... The dragon have'd turned the guardians against us... Run..." he shouts and rolls away from the laser the guardian had shot.
Both Sidon and Zelda jumps away from the laser and land heavily on the ground with a grunt.

They think the dragon had only turned the guardians against them, but without their knowledge the dragon has turned the four fantastic beast against them all.
Vah Ruta is attacking the innocent Zoras since there are no soldiers back at Zoras domain to stop the mechanical elephant from harming Zoras.
Likewise among Ritos since their warriors are at hyrule field and tries helping princess Zelda and her people.
The others have at least their soldiers at home and can save their people from the Havoc of their mechanical beast.
But none at hyrule field know that since they are busy with the dragon of chaos, and the living deads.

Zelda turns to Link.
"I will take control of the dragon since it seems being weak of my powers while you takes care of the guardians...."She tells Link who nods.
"And Sidon will take care of the monsters" She adds and stands up from the ground and dust off dirt from her clothes.
Sidon stands up and gives her a thumb up.
"Leave it to me"

Since Zelda doesn't have to think about saving hylians in the town anymore, she focus at attacking the dragon instead holding it down.
The huge dragon roars of pain when pure light hits its body created of pure evil.
"It's working..." Zelda notices happily and her hope starts increasing.
Hopefully will the other monsters die the second she has destroyed the dragon.
It's almost dawn.

Link has no problem with fighting one guardian at time. He just throw the laser back with his shield and destroy the guardian with its own power.
But he has big problem when four guardians surrounded him.
"Tsk..." he snorts frustrated and has to jump away when all four shoots at the same time.

Since Sidon isn't used to battle he gets some minor problems.
He stumbles with his feet while he tries defending himself from some bokoblins, and attack them.
The wound from his father starts affecting him and his view starts blurring a bit.
"Fuck..." he grunts and grits his teeth to keep him awake.
He impales bokoblin after bokoblin.
"Don't you dare fall asleep or die...Link and Zelda count on me..." he mumbles.
He walks backward to watch out from a spike club when he suddenly trips on a corpse from behind.
"GAA-Aahh..." he shouts out surprised of the sudden fall and wides his eyes when his butt hits the ground there the corpse of a Rito starts falling apart into the weird blue dust.
The blue sparkling dust flies against the dragon and seems making it stronger.

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