ch 28; buying a new tunic

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At some point he had fallen asleep.
And as he thought he would, he didn't got enough sleep and is still tired.
He walks out from the bed and put on his clothes.
Link yawns and rub his eyes while he is walking out from the bedroom.
Suddenly he notices the smell of freshly baked bread.
His stomach starts grumbling of hunger and he can't stop staring at the food set on the table.
Medilia suddenly appears in the living room.
"Oh... Good morning, did you slept well?"
Link jolts and pulls away his gaze from the table and is looking at the woman.
"Ah...ehm... Good morning ..." he answers and starts blushing.
"And yeah...kind of..." he adds mumbling and drop his gaze at her.
It seems it has been too many days separated from Sidon.
If just another man's smell was enough to make him horny, must it means he is hungry for sex.
Medilia starts giggling and make Link to look asking up at her.
"Anyway it's time for breakfast" She says and walks against the table there she sits down.
Link gasps and starts waving his hands.
"Oh.. No no... You don't have to give me food... I will be alright" he protests.
Medilia tilts her head asking and raises an eyebrow.
Link swallows nervously and let his hands down.
" You were kind with letting me sleep here... That's enough..." he adds shyly.
Medilia exhales snorting and shakes her head.
"You don't have to be shy... Of course you should sleep and eat here since I'm your mother... That's my responsibility as parent... Beside..." She smirks against Link.
"It kind of disrespectful to refuse my kind offer when I putted time and ingredients to make the food for you... Such of waste to throw away the food if you aren't eating..." She grins.
Link blinks surprised and without any single word he sits down on the chair across the table to there Medilia sits. He is looking shyly down on the empty plate in front him.
Medilia chuckles silently and start cutting the bread.
Then she gives Link a slice of the bread onto his plate.
Link jolts and clears his throat when he sees the bread.
"You are welcome... Have some jam or something..."
Link nods and reaches after the butter.
Medilia is examining Link curiously.
"What are your plans today?"
Link is looking asking at her and shrugs.
"Ilia wanted to meet me today again and I don't know... Hanging out with Epona I suppose?"
Medilia nods.
Link snickers while he is adding Strawberry jam on his bread.
"She is kind of scary... But she seems also kind..."
Medilia leans backward on the chair and starts thinking about the Link she raised.
" Link and Ilia were close friends..." She starts telling him.
Link starts eating while his eyes are looking at her.
Medilia starts suddenly chuckling.
"I even started hoping they would start dating any time soon... I knew Ilia liked the boy... And I supposed Link did the same since... I mean... They were a boy and girl... I thought they would end up as lovers ... It isn't usual with friends of opposite genders..." She shakes her head and can't understand how she even had those stupid thoughts.
Link shrugs. Yeah, it's perhaps not normal being friends when one of them is girl while the other is boy.
But he could be friend with Zelda even if they have different genders.
Who cares if they knew there was a high possibility they were siblings?!
The point is; they are friends without having feelings between each others.
But thinking of the situation there one of the friends has feelings for the other must be hard. Especially when it isn't mutual.
Poor Ilia, Link thinks.
" So..." She sighs and make Link jolt.
"I got really shocked when Link suddenly told me he would marry another man..." She shakes her head and chuckles.
"How could I missed my dear son is gay?!... But... That didn't matter when I saw how he smiled happily beside his husband during the ceremony at their wedding... When I saw how happy he was, I knew I had made good work with raising him..." She smiles dreamy and takes some sips of her tea.
Link smiles softly against her.
"It sounds as he was lucky with growing up with an accepting parent as you"
Medilia tilts her head asking.
"Haven't anyone been accepting with you being gay?"
Link jolts and clears his throat.
"Oh... I didn't meant that... ehm.. None have said anything about it's strange with me being gay... And beside... I kind of recently came out as gay..." he explains with a shrug and starts blushing.
Medilia smiles happily of getting the chance of get knowing Link.
She starts preparing a slice bread to herself.
Link lower his left hand and feels the sheikah slate against his fingertips.
He jolts.
Medilia raises her eyebrows while Link put down his sandwich and picks up the sheikah slate.
"I can show you some pictures of my new family and on Zelda" he tells her while he is browsing on the sheikah slate.
"Pictures?" She asks uncomprehending and tilts her head confused.
Link nods and turns the screen against her.
"This is one of the children... His name is Zion" Link informs her and shows the picture there the red-white Zora baby is swimming in the pool at Zoras domain.
Medilia wides her eyes surprised and exhales shocked.
"Oh-naw... He is really cute..." She says and can't stop staring at the screen.
"Hm-um... He has started getting good at talking... " Link tells her while he starts scrolling on the sheikah slate.
"And here is his sisters; Mipha and Linn... Linn is the blue Zora baby while Mipha is blue-white" he explains and show her another picture there both Mipha and Linn are playing with blocks they are mostly are putting into their mouth and drooling over them.
Medilia chuckles and starts grinning widely.
"It must be hard work with taking care of triplets"
Link shrugs and is searching after a picture with Sidon who isn't too embarrassing to show. Which means, a picture there Link isn't naked beside Sidon.
"I don't know about that... As it's now, they seems happy enough with us being there... But you never know... Perhaps they will be hard to handle when they gets older" he says with his eyes set on the screen.
" not...and no way..." Link mumbles while he browses through some pictures.
Medilia snickers and starts eating her sandwich while Link tries finding a picture on Sidon to show her.
At last Link finds a picture there Sidon sits by the pool with his legs into the pool with water up to his knees.
"And here is Sidon, my husband" Link says happily and show her the picture.
Medilia gives him a small smile while she chuckles.
Suddenly Link jolts and gets the feeling he is acting as a child who wants praise from its parent from showing a drawing the child just made.
Link is looking shyly down.
"You do really love him... right?"
Link gasps and is looking up and nods.
"Yes! He really makes me happy"
"Good to hear" Medilia smiles.
Link rubs his lips thoughtfully together.
"Oh... I have more photos..." he jolts and tries find another one.

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