ch 24; we must talk

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Sidon is looking terrified against the door there Zelda just stood and screamed from either seeing them having sex or; Sidon had bit Link. Or be course of both reasons.
Now she is gone and is probably getting help from a knight, thinking Sidon tried killing Link.
Her loudly scream made the children wake up and are screaming shocked of the sound who disturbed their sleep.
How could he be stupid and let his animal instinct taking over?! What if he actually killed Link while his conscious was somewhere else?
Sidon feels pretty disgusted of himself when the blood from his fangs tickles his chin while it is running down.
He clicks his tongues frustrated and wipes away the delicious blood with his hand while he sits up a bit.
The blood makes him to purr.
His eyes are looking guilty down on Link who tries getting out from the bed even though Sidon is leaning over him.
The bite mark between the side of Link's throat and his shoulder gives Sidon mixed feelings.
Feelings of guilt, pleasure and bad character are whirling around inside of him.
He would love to taste that blood again.
"I'm s-..." he starts apologise while his eyes are fixing on the blood who keeps leaking out from the bite mark.
"Sorry, but I have to talk with Zelda..." Link interrups without hearing what Sidon tries saying.
Sidon gets silent and moves away more from Link.
Link puts on his clothes as fast he can.
"Take care of the children, okay?" He asks while he in hurry goes out from the bedroom.
"O-okay..." Sidon says shocked.

When he is outside the house he touches the bite mark with his palm and whimper of pain.
The wound aches.
The bite mark isn't a problem. But, the look from Sidon's eyes while he bit him, gave him the creep.
It was like Sidon wasn't there even though he was.
Link sighs and lower his palm with his own blood on it.
The important thing now is; where is Zelda?
His eyes are darting around, but Zelda is already gone.
Should he run to the throne room in case Zelda is telling the king and the Knights about what she saw?
Or has she run to her own bedroom? He knows she loves to read a book to relax when she is stressed or has seen something horrible.
Link swallows nervously.
Then his feet take him to the tower there Zelda has her room.
He notices how he gets all eyes on him while he is walking.
How could he be stupid and not taking the chance to change clothes into something more manly than the leather skirt he is using?
Suddenly the skirt feels smaller than usual and he starts pulling down the skirt shyly as he thinks he is exposing too much.
Out of all eyes looking at him, he gets the annoying feeling a pair of eyes are looking at him as he was a prey.
Someone the person wants to hunt down.
Link speeds up his steps and is almost running.
He curses himself.
Stupid! If someone is looking down at him as prey, when his pathetic try to run away, will encourage the person to attack him.
His pathetic try to run will be seen as he is weak. The mouse the hawk will easily catch.

Zelda is pretty tensed and bites her lower lip with her teeth while she walks around in her bedroom.
She just wanted to say hi and see the babies. And tell Link something.
But she didn't manage to do either that since the sight of Link and Sidon having sex surprised her.
And the look of Link's blood dripping down from Sidon's fangs terrified her.
She should have known better than rush into their house.
That time when she could run into Link's house is now over.
He has a family and they need their privacy.
Zelda sighs frustrated.
She should have knocked! Now she will never get the picture of them having sex, out from her mind.
The picture will forever be in printed in her head.
She jolts when someone knocks on the door.
"Who is it?" She asks with a high-pitched voice.
The person outside the door clears his throat.
"It's me...Link... please, open the door" Link begs and sounds pretty relieved of hearing her voice.
She furrows her eyebrows and walks slowly against the door.
Raising her hand against the door handle. Not sure if she wants to open the door or not.

  Link is staring nervously at the door. What if she won't open the door? How will he be able to fix this mess without seeing her and talk about it?
He clears his throat and is about to knock on the door again, when the door is slowly opening.
He let's out some air of relief and walks into the room with a smile while Zelda is walking backward.
Link closes the door behind him and is looking both apologising and worried at Zelda.
"I'm sorry!" Zelda interrups and bow with her hands intertwined togeheter.
Link raises an asking eyebrow.
Zelda swallows hardly and is looking at Link.
" I will never walk into your house again without knocking first or at least getting your permission..." She promises.
"I deeply apologies for startle both you and your husband by showing up like I did" She adds and makes another bow.
Link is looking surprised at first. But then he snickers grinning.
Zelda is looking asking at him.
Link shrugs chuckling.
"It's fine... I will forgive you... If you promise.." he starts saying and make her tilting her head confused.
".. Not to tell anyone about this... What you saw..." Link exhales nervously. Will she agreed with his demand?
  Zelda seems pretty relieved of his demand. His demand means they will never speak about this after this day.
What happened will be forgotten. At least they will pretend that.
Few seconds later Zelda nods slowly.
Link exhales relieved.
Zelda presses her lips thoughtfully together and starts looking around in the bedroom.
Suddenly her eyes fall onto a big opened book on her desk.
She jolts.
Link tilts his head.
Zelda smiles gently against him and walks to the desk there she sits down.
"I think I have found your mother" She tells him.
Link inhales sharply and jolts.
"You have!?" He asks with too loud voice.
Link walks against the desk and stands next to her.
"Yes" She nods with her eyes at the old book.
" Suddenly one day I found this book and it seems holding records of the castle's staff back when you and I were born and before that... And I noticed one maid stopped working the exact same year you were born.. or more specifically, a half year before you were born and she moved away"
Link raises his eyebrows and starts feeling breathless.
"Who?...what's her name?" He wants to know and wet his lips.
Zelda points against one name in the book.
"Medilia is the only staff who stopped working of other reason than death at that time... There is high possibility she is your mother or at least knows something about you"
Link starts getting new hope of finding his mother.
But then he remembers Zelda said 'moved away'.
"Where did she moved?" He asks.
Zelda is looking straight at him.
"A land called 'Calatia' ...It's to the west of hyrule"
Link exhales chuckling.
Can his lost mother been that closed all the time?
" Thanks Zelda" he smiles. He will definitely try to find her and ask her about her time as maid at the castle.

Link is walking home with ease and is feeling happy.
    Sidon gives him worried looks the moment he walks into the house there the triplets are crawling around on the mattress in the bedroom.
"I'm sorry Link for hurting you..." Sidon says from the door to the bedroom.
Link tilts his head confused.
When he remembers the wound on his body from there Sidon bitten him.
"Oh!" He jolts and starts waving his hand.
"It's not a big deal... I said it was fine from the last time... You just startled me" he chuckles a bit nervous.
He swallows nervously.
"Sidon..." he starts saying and make the Zora looking a bit reserved at him.
"I want your permission to... go on a journey about some weeks and ask a woman if she is my mother" Link begs and starts looking down on the floor before he force himself to look straight at Sidon.
Sidon let's out some surprised breath.
"I-...ehm... If that makes you happy so... Do as you please" Sidon says and sounds a big harsh and looks away.
Link smiles gently.
"Only if you are fine with it and feel comfortable here... I won't leave you alone if you doesn't feel comfortable with our new life here" he shrugs and sees in the corners of his eyes how one of the girls pulls the other's tail in the bedroom.
Sidon smirks and is looking at him.
"Okay... let's say that... If our life here feel great, then you will get out on your journey" he nods.
Link nods.
"Thanks... And now... " he starts saying and is looking over his shoulder making Sidon to look asking at him.
"Now I will remove the weapons and clean up a bit" he grins.
"Need my help?" Sidon asks.
Link shakes his head.
"I will take care of that... You can keep an eye on the children" he says and turns around to start the hard work of getting the house childproof...

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