The Fallout

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Hi everyone, before we start, I just want to say that this chapter is depressing at the end. Don't worry, it's not the last one, still plenty more to come, but some shit goes down here that is very bad.

The ride back to Mark's place was long and uncomfortable. An ungodly air of tension hung in the atmosphere.

The awkward silence deafening.

However, no one could be more hurt than Unus and no one could be more pissed than Annus.

When Unus had told Annus about their time bending abilities, Annus was at a no holds barred.

He didn't hold back.

It wasn't until Mark, Ethan and Amy had found the two men that Annus stopped, leaving Unus in a near state of collapse.

Mark though had to hold Annus back just in case whilst Ethan helped Unus up from the ground.

"You ok?" Ethan had asked, voice full of concern, when Unus was back on his feet. Unus had said nothing at the time, only nodded. His eyes moved from Ethan to Annus. So much was written on Unus' face, like he wanted to speak, but he remained silent.

Half an hour later, they were all back at Mark's house. They spilled out the car like beans spilling out a tin. Mark unlocked the door. Unus rushed passed him, running past everyone to get to the spare room in which he and Annus shared.

The door had slammed shut and from downstairs, Mark, Ethan, Amy and Annus could hear the cries of Unus. They were loud and unmasked, as though he wanted them all to know how he felt.

Annus looked down to the floor his face full of regret but he slinked away to the living room, ashamed.

"Do you guys know whats happening exactly?" Amy whispered, not wanting to be heard by Annus just in case.

"I don't know but I'm about to find out." Mark said, begining the acent of the stairs. Ethan and Amy went to follow him but Mark shooed them away.

"You guys stay down here, keep an eye on Annus. If he decides to do anything reckless, just shout for me."

Amy and Ethan nodded and were soon out if Mark's sight. It was now their responsibility to look out for Annus, but since neither of them knew what really happened, they decided to be just a little cautious.

Mark raced up the remaining stairs. Taking small steps, he made his way to the spare room at the end of the hall and peeked inside.

Unus was sitting on the floor in the corner, knees drawn to his chest, rocking back and forth to try and keep himself calm.

"Unus?" Mark said tentatively, taking a step into the room.

Unus turned his head quickly. The sudden noise of Mark had startled him and, for a second, Mark could see fear written on Unus' face through the tears that were falling. However, once he realised that it was Mark and not Annus, he gave a small smile.

"Oh, uhh, hey Mark. You, umm, you ok?" Unus asked, voice hoarse from all the crying.

"Never mind me, what about you? What happened out there?" Mark walked over to Unus and crouched beside him. Mark went to put his hand on Unus' shoulder but Unus had recoiled, frightened of the movement.

"I, I'm ok. No need to worry." Unus tried to sound like he was ok but Mark could clearly tell that he was not.

"Unus, please, you can tell me what happened. I'll keep it just between us, no one else has to know." Mark pleaded, desperate to get to the truth because once he gets to it, the easier it would be to help.

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