t w e n t y

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"These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers. But they struck first and stole our moonstone!" Willa exclaimed, telling the trio what really happened with the wolves and Seabrook settlers. Ariel felt Wyatt behind her and shot him a small smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Addison apologised to Willa.

"There's a lot you don't know." Willa frowned, picking up the books and heading for the exit. Ariel shot up, darting after the wolf.

"Excuse me, uh... Willa?" Ariel mumbled, gaining the attention of the girl.

"How do you know my name?"

"Overheard it at your grand entrance." Ariel shrugged, "My great, great, great.... Probably greater grandmother was a Seabrook settler. She wrote a journal my mom gave me and...." Ariel paused, digging through her bag, and pulling out a tattered journal. "It may have information about your moonstone. I'm sorry if it won't be any help."

Willa took it with a smile as Addison stood, clearing her throat. "I know the alarm's going
to go off if you don't check out those books."

Willa didn't listen to the girl, throwing her moonstone necklace at the alarm. It broke, and Willa just strolled through, shooting Ariel a fleeting wave. The other wolf girl followed, Wyatt on her heels. He stopped at Ariel, leaning close to her ear.

"Our necklaces have a way with electronics." 

The girls went to the rest of their classes, having a boring day. The zombie trio were out trying to get Zed more votes, and the wolves hadn't been seen for the rest of the day either.

The next day was more exciting, as Addison would be teaching the cheer practice. Everyone on the team was in their cheer uniform, lined up for Addison to tell them what to do. She ran in, blowing her whistle as she surveyed the group. "I am so fired up to be running cheer practice. Together, we can do anything." Addison said, grinning. Bree looked behind Addison, her expression nervous.

She turned, seeing the wolves eagerly sitting on the bleachers, watching the team. "Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only." Addison apologised, but Ariel cleared her throat, smiling awkwardly at Addison.

"Addi, I invited them." Ariel told her sister, who gave her a surprised look.

"Ha! Just try and get us to leave." Wynter stood, glaring at Addison.

"Wynter. Some respect." Wyatt stood, stopping Wynter from saying anything else.

"No, I don't want you to leave. If Ari wants you to stay, I want you to stay. Show us what you can do. The cheer team is for everyone." Addison smiled, ignoring the looks the rest of the cheer team gave her. Ariel walked forward, grinning at her sister before smiling at the wolves.

"Five, six, seven, eight!" Addison exclaimed. She started the music, watching the group do the routine she showed them. She'd put Ariel at the front, beside Wyatt, already noticing the pair's chemistry. Watching from the side-lines would also help her see the strengths and weaknesses of everyone on the team.

Ariel and Wyatt did the routine together, preforming each move effortlessly. Addison watched with surprise as Ariel almost seemed to lead the wolves, each one following her direction- just as the cheer team does with her.

During the routine, Ariel noticed Bonzo, Eliza and Zed enter from the corner of her eye. Addison waved at the trio, inviting them into the room as the music finished. Ariel got pulled into a hug by Wyatt, the rest of the wolves joining in as they all cheered.

"Yeah. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Ariel." Ariel managed to hear the words Zed and Eliza spoke, even if they were on the other side of the room.

"You know what? They're just cheering. And laughing.

"That was so amazing. You are all natural cheerleaders." Addison gaped, looking at the wolves.

"you got that right, sis!" Ariel laughed from where Wyatt had wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side as they laughed.

Zed wasn't happy that Ariel may be getting closer to the wolves, as Ariel being close to them meant Addison too may get close to the wolves. "But I'm sure she's just convincing the wolves to vote for me." Zed stated, even though he was wrong.

"We wolves work well together." Wyatt grinned, looking down at Ariel briefly before looking back at Addison.

"But I'm not a wolf. We're not wolves." Addison shook her head, but that got Ariel's mind racing. She can hear things long-distance, silver doesn't react well with her, she automatically got along with the wolves and they seemed to listen to her too. Not to mention the journal and the white hair. Wyatt only raised his eyebrows, further fuelling Ariel's mental contemplation.

Suddenly, Wynter began to cough. She dropped to her knees, her necklace glowing a yellow-green, as did her eyes. Bree kept her steady as Wyatt turned, Ariel in tow as the rest of the wolves looked on in concern. "Wynter?" She continued to cough as she looked up at Wyatt, trying to tell him she'll be okay.

Before anything else could happen, Bucky walked in, clapping his hands sarcastically. "Well done, Addison. With werewolves on cheer, this election is so in the bag." Behind Bucky, Ariel saw the Acey's handing out flyers for the boy.

"Bucky, this is not about politics. I always just felt like cheer could unite." Addison said sternly, disagreeing with her cousin.

"You are going to make a great cheer captain." Bucky smiled, waiting for his cousin's excited reaction. Ariel watched on, amused as Addison looked ready to burst.

"I'm gonna be cheer captain!" She squealed. Everybody grinned as they clapped and cheered for the overjoyed girl. "I was thinking the team could move beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program." Addison rambled on, speaking between Ariel, Bucky, and Wyatt.

Bucky didn't like that idea. "Whoa. Cheer is what I say cheer's about. And it's about winning." The boy walked off, trying to gain more votes.

Wyatt took a step closer to the girls. "You are a leader, Addison. You will lead people to greatness. And you, Ariel, are a leader too." Wyatt told them, before connecting eyes with Ariel.

"But of something a lot greater than cheer."

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