t h i r t y - f i v e

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The next day was Zed's interview for Mountain College, and he was incredibly nervous. He was waiting by the beach, surrounded by Ariel, Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter.

"You're making history today, Zed. First zombie to ever interview for college." Wynter spoke, grinning.

"Hey, you show 'em what monsters can do." Wyatt added, pointing to Zed.

The zombie nodded. "Right. I am going to slay her with my killer zombie charm."

"Absolutely." Ariel nodded, reassuring the boy.

Willa, however, was not as convinced, grimacing. "Yeah."

Zed shrugged. "Or not. Probably not. I don't know. We will see."

Bree raced over with Bonzo, the latter speaking Zombie to Zed, who's eyes widened and faced dropped in nervousness.

"What?" He spoke initially, "She's early."

"I'm kind of freaking out, and not in the best way. More like a 'heart beating out my chest 'cause I'm stressed' way." Zed began, looking at the group.

"You're the best football player that I've ever seen!" Wynter pointed out, comforting Zed.

"You'll be fine!" Bree agreed, "You're a charismatic green machine."

"What if you're wrong and I bomb this interview?" Zed doubted, still nervous.

Bonzo then spoke in Zombie, Zed nodding at the words. "True, but what if that's not enough?"

"You've united all creatures!" Ariel smiled, grabbing Zed's hands in her own to calm him.

"You have a heart of a wolf." Wyatt nodded.

"You're a leader!" Exclaimed Willa as the group began to dance.

"I hate to say, but I'm nervous. How do I prove I deserve this? I'm trying to be a perfect zombie. And everybody's counting on me." Zed sang.

"I'm Exceptional Zed, to all my family and friends. So I just gotta forget the doubts and get up out of my head. 'Cause I'm Exceptional Zed! I'm out here doing my best. Today I gotta be good to go, so I'll say it over again: I'm Exceptional Zed!"

His voice then faltered. "I guess."

Ariel and the others dragged Zed into town, where many people were waiting. Zed continued to sing. "Time to live up to the hype."

"The world's yours, you can change it!" Principal Lee was beside Zed, smiling.

"Thanks to you, I moved out." Coach grinned, his Mom beside him.

She pointed to her son. "Now I live in his basement!"

"I've had so many failures." Zed pointed out as he stepped up to a podium where the Wells parents stood, a camera ready to take photographs of the Zombie.

"You've had more successes." Ariel's father said, shaking Zed's hand.

"I'm Mayor Wells, and I approve this message!" Missy held out a board of sorts, smiling as pictures were taken of the trio.

"Am I really that great?" Zed questioned.

The Acey's then appeared, waving their pompoms. "In case you forgot, you changed the whole school!"

"Whether I like it or not." Bucky complained, now standing beside Zed.

"You're smart, you work hard, you can make it all happen!" Coach sang, him and Prinicpal Lee now being the ones next to Zed.

• Own the night • Wyatt LykensenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora