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At Missy's words, half were happy, half were horrified. Bucky, the Acey's, the members of Seabrook public and the idiotic half of the cheer squad were all happy about the news, but the zombies, the smart side of the cheer squad, Bree, Addison, and Ariel were all dreading what would happen next.

"Mom, that is unfair!" Addison yelled, devastated at the news.

"This is why I don't like either of you!" Ariel yelled angrily at her parents, causing Missy to turn to her and making a 'silence' motion. Zed stood from where he sat, going over to the girls.

"Zed, we need to talk." Addison pleaded, and Zed nodded in agreement.

"We do. Even though you didn't write, or answer any of my letters." Zed was still in the dark about what the Acey's did, so Addison knew it was time to tell him.

"No, I wrote. A lot. The Acey's shredded all of our letters." Addison defended herself, magically showing him the pompoms they made out of all of the shredded letters. The three looked at the Acey's, who were mockingly waving and grinning between one another.

"Honestly, Zed, this girl spent more time writing to you than she talked to her sister." Ariel laughed, causing Zed to chuckle at the words.

"Addison. Will you make me the luckiest zombie and be my date to Prawn?" Zed got on one knee, smiling up at the girl.

"No." She said immediately, shaking her head.

"Great! No?" Zed was happy, then confused as he stood, staring at Addison.

"Everyone's freaking out about werewolves, so the anti-monster laws are in affect again, which means..." Addison began to explain why she said no to Zed before Bucky appeared, staring at Zed.

"Zombies can't go to Prawn. Ouch." Even though that was fact, Addison and Zed were definitely going to Prawn, one way or another.

"But we're going to fight this, Zed." Addison stated, causing Zed to sigh in relief.

"Okay, so that's why you said no?" He asked, relieved. Ariel clicked her tongue, grinning slyly.

"Obviously." Addison nodded along at her sister's words. Zed's lips twisted up into a smile.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked, confused.

"Because when you said no, I thought you didn't like me anymore. But the only problem here is a bunch of blood-thirsty werewolves. We can so fix that." Bucky looked shocked at the pair's words, but Ariel only looked smug.

Soon after the conversation ended, Missy shooed everyone out of the town hall, forcing zombies back into Zombietown and getting the humans to all go to their homes.

When the girls arrived home with their parents, Ariel and Addison both went up to Ariel's room, annoyed at their parents. "I can't believe them, sis." Ariel complained, lying down on her bed, and throwing her arms to the side. Addison nodded in understanding, lying down beside her.

"I'm sad that I can't go to Prawn with Zed." Addison frowned, running her hands through her hair. Ariel grinned, laughing.

"You'll find a way." She wasn't saying at as a comfort, she just knew it would all work out in the end. Addison nodded, believing her sister's words. They didn't talk much until their mother appeared in Ariel's room.

"Girls, it's time for tea." Ariel rolled her eyes, standing up as Addison did the same. When the four of them were sitting at the dining room table, it was not a very good experience. Dale and Missy were talking between one another as they tried to get the girls to talk, but they stayed stubborn, not talking to their parents (or talking at all).

They didn't wait to be excused once they had finished eating, going straight to their rooms. They silently bid each other goodnight, smiling, even though it was strained.

The next day was a school day, so the girls were up bright and early. Addison was wearing the cheer outfit, with a matching pink bow in her hair. Ariel was wearing a purple turtleneck, black jeans, and a purple leather jacket, completing the outfit with a pair of black converse.

They had arrived at school before Zed, so they waited outside for the boy to appear. He appeared, waving at the girls as they made their way up to the second floor, complaining about the anti-monster laws being reinstated.

"I really thought we'd all be at the Prawn together. I thought Seabrook could change." Addison said, looking sadly at Zed. He stopped, shaking his head.

"It did. Believe me, I will find a way to get us to the Prawn." He said, beginning to prove Ariel's point from the previous day.

"Or we could miss it together." Addison suggested, but Zed did not agree, shooting down the idea near-immediately.

"I'm not letting you miss the Prawn." Addison shook her head, not wanting to go without Zed.

"If you can't go, I'm not going." Ariel watched this whole exchange while speechless, wondering how two people could be so in love.

"Well, I like you too much not to let you go." Zed said, but Addison did not care.

"Well, I like you too much to leave you behind. I am so not going." Addison said, which was all they could say as Eliza entered the conversation, making the trio aware of her entrance.

"Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple." She groaned jokingly as she motioned Ariel over, giving the girl a half hug that Ariel accepted, wrapping her arms around the zombie girl.

"How's it going, Eliza?" Addison asked the green-haired girl, curiosity laced in her voice.

"You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy." Eliza shrugged, a half-smile on her face.

"And looking good doing it, Zom-bae." Addison grinned, the two girls moving their hands together and wiggling their fingers as they giggled.

"Amen to that, sis." Ariel grinned jokingly,causing the three girls and Zed to descend into laughter at the girl's words.

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