Chapter 24.

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I was in one of our examination rooms helping one of Tommy Carter's friends who was accident-prone. I was putting his left arm in a cast because he broke it while playing baseball at school yesterday evening.

I just finished the task, when Lillian Carter rushed in and after regaining her breath she stood by my side, "Landon, Byron sent me. He needs you to go over to his house, there's someone he wants you to meet."

I shook my head, "does he know that it is in the middle of the afternoon and that I am busy?" She nodded but shrugged her shoulders, "he knows but this is important, besides I already explained it to my niece and she said that it is okay to be away for a little while. She said that she'll continue with putting on Sammy's cast."

I undid my apron and took off my doctor's coat and went to the wall hook and grabbed my jacket. Shrugging it on I exited the back office and walk towards the reception desk where I saw Julia Wiese acting as a temporary secretary. Apparently, after giving birth she was bored staying at home so she begged Aaron to allow her to work.

He relented at last, but only because Quinn mentioned that she needed a secretary and that if Julia wanted she can work for her. In the end, another relative of my boss was working for another local business in town.

I walked across the street and turned down Main Street, finally, I made it to my brother's new home. But I paused at the door when I was about to knock because I saw a pair of women's shoes and two sets of children's shoes lined up neatly by the entrance. Who in the world are these? I wondered. I knocked quietly but instead of Byron answering the door, a little boy of three open the door first. I crossed my arms across my chest, "who are you?" I sternly asked, the boy stuck out his tongue at me and slammed the door in my face. Cheeky little bugger I merely thought as I laughed to myself.

I knocked again and allowed the smile to remain on my face, and when the door was answered again, Byron stood within its threshold. One look at my face and he knew exactly why I was smiling. " I take it you already made the acquaintance of Locke."

"Who is Locke?" I asked with a bit of confusion in my voice. But being his annoying self, Byron didn't tell me, instead he smiled grabbed me by the shoulder and drew me inside the house. "Come on then, I'll introduce you to them!"

My Angel ( book 3 of the Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now