Chapter 23.

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I sat in an empty pew all alone in the church trying to think of a way that I could explain to mother and father that Sullivan was dead. All of us knew that he had his faults and made many mistakes in his life, but we shouldn't condemn him based on that could we? No. He was my baby brother and I should have treated him better, so in a way, his death is part of my fault.

Granted, growing up in the shadow of Lawrence Paisley governor of Virginia, was difficult. My father was very hypocritical and harsh so in a way, I can't blame him for the way he acted. Father paid so little attention to him and always let him know how much of a disappointment he was, and that ate away at his inner feelings and it destroyed him.

After his fifteenth birthday, his happy-go-lucky personality changed. It's like he fell into a dark deep pit of desolation and no one was able to release him from his inner prison.

I heard some whispering coming from the back of the church and I knew that it was Tommy and Lillian. They were worried about me and my state of mind. I sighed, and soon I heard their footsteps coming my way, so when I felt Tommy slip his little hand in mine I was touched, I broke down and cried. I was so blessed, that I was able to meet and fall in love with these two special people; people I was determined to propose to.

Lillian laid her hand on my arm and leaned forward and with the church's candle's light reflecting in her tears that were running down her face, I pulled her and Tommy into a fierce hug. We were like that for a long while.

But our moment was interrupted by a gentle knock on the opened door of the church. For in its threshold stood a tall woman with red poppy coloured hair wearing a rich green emerald skirt and a cream-coloured blouse. She was a beauty, but even that was not what brought my attention to her.

In each of her hands, we're two twin little boys that look identical to what Sully looked like as a little boy so many years ago. No, it couldn't be, Sullivan never mentioned having any children. Though how could he, I was worse than father. After he changed, I distanced myself from him and just threw him into the wind of loneliness.

"Um, pardon the interruption, but could you tell me where I might find Sullivan Paisley?"

I felt crushed once again. Now, being the eldest, it was my responsibility to inform her that Sullivan passed away. With the encouragement that I was receiving from Lillian and Tommy, we all got up from the Pew and with my head bowed down in sorrow we approached her.

I think she could tell that something dire happened because before I could even explain, all of the colours drained from her face and she crumpled onto the wooden floor sobbing harsh tears. I rushed to her side and gently grabbed her arm and raised her back up. Then as I held her hand I explained to her what happened.

"I'm so sorry to inform you that, Sullivan is dead. He has shot two weeks ago in a hostage situation in the mine outside of town, though I can tell you that he died a hero."

Her legs would have crumbled beneath her if I didn't have a firm hold on her.
"May I ask who you are by chance?" She sniffed and nodded her head.

"My..., my name is Mollie Paisley and these are my sons, Locke and Gideon Paisley. I am Sullivan's wife."

"His wife! Sully didn't mention anything about having a wife or children. How can I be sure that you're telling the truth?"

She gasped, and the look on her face clearly showed her shock wondering why I would even doubt her. She then whipped off her glove and on her third finger was a solid gold ring and from her reticule, she pulled out two pieces of paper that explain who's the father of her sons were and when they were born as well her marriage certificate to Sullivan.

I stood there staring at the evidence of her truth in her hands with my mouth wide open. But seeing the hurt in her eyes, I asked her where she had been living these last few years. She explained that she was living near the docks and working as a washerwoman when she met Sullivan. He became a welcome distraction in her life and he saved her from an unsavoury client once and from that one encounter, she fell in love with him and he with her. Though many people tried to tell her that Sully was a lady's man and a bad influence, she ignored them for she could see that he was different, he was a gentle soul who loved her.

"Why didn't Sully ever introduce you to us?" She cringed, "I think he told me once that he tried. But all he got was ignorant silence and was condemned a near do well by his father and he didn't want me to witness such things coming from his sire's lips."

"Did Sully know about the boys?"
She nodded, "he was present at their births and he stayed with me for a time, he even named the boys after his brothers, because he said he looked up to them."
She said as she laid her hands on the boy's head.

The first boy she moved towards him had gray eyes and red hair like their mother, "this is Locke Byron Paisley and this, she said pushing the other one forward is Gideon Landon Paisley." Gideon had Sully's black hair and her green eyes.

I was stunned. I had no idea that Sully even felt that way, but even though this tragedy, I was honoured, and I was sure that Landon would be honoured too.

Landon's attitude changed as well when he overheard gossip regarding Sully's death, he became sullen and despondent for his normal personality. At least it's a relief that Sully wasn't completely gone from their lives, his soul was split into these two children for they looked just like him, they could even be described as exact replicas.

I knelt to the boys who seem to be five years of age and I held up my arms waiting for them to run into them and hug me. Locke ran into my arms first, but Gideon hesitated. He was sucking his thumb and holding on tightly to his mother's skirt. When he looked up at her and saw her smile even though she was crying, Gideon pulled his thumb from his mouth and joined his brother in my arms.

I hugged them tightly. Then knowing that we were standing on the threshold of the church I realized that they were probably exhausted from their journey, so I decided that they would stay at my place. I had only recently purchased a small home here in town so that I was close to work and to Lillian as well as not far from Landon's Clinic, I wanted to be prepared so that I would have a home for my future family.

As we were exiting the church, I pulled Lillian to my side and asked her if she would go and fetch Landon and tell him that I want him to come to my house. She nodded, then she kissed me on the cheek and whispered how proud she was of me and ran to the clinic with Tommy trailing close behind.

"Come, you can stay with me," I said. She thanked me and as we walked I thought back to that revelation of Sullivan. He wasn't spending his money or Father's money on whores, alcohol or opium, he was supporting his little family.

"I'm so sorry Sully for misunderstanding you, I hope you can forgive me," I whispered as I gazed towards the heavens. So so, sorry!

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