Chapter 20.

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We finally had a solid plan for us to capture the criminals, and even though I didn't like Angela becoming the bait once again... I became a strong support for her,  I knew she would need it. But before she left our little group, I pulled her to my side and gathered her into my arms and just held on to her tightly. I could feel her struggling to free herself from my arms because she was eager to get back to the plan, but I didn't want her to go just yet. Sighing heavily, I finally relinquished her from my embrace and kissed her deeply in full view of all our friends and family, and after hearing their laughter, Angela blushed brightly and ran towards the shafts that concealed the new Gilly Gang.


For the thirtieth time in the last hour, I have been fighting with myself with this idiotic plan of me being the bait to catch the Gilly gang. Sheesh, why in the world was I so excited about joining the men in rescuing my man?

I wasn't unprepared, I was armed, and I had the training that my father taught me under my belt, but I still had my misgivings about how this day was going down. I was just about to leave and turn back around when I heard echoed voices up ahead, and from what I can tell, neither of them were happy. Moving closer on silent feet, I made my way closer and peering over a large boulder, I listened in to their conversation.


The squabbling of these new idiots in my new gang was giving me a huge headache! Of all the stupid things that my father had done, I would say recruiting these morons was the worst. How in the world would we accomplish anything if they were fighting all the time? Not only that but from the dust that was falling from the ceiling in this mineshaft, it was making me feel nervous. If they didn't stop arguing, this shaft will collapse upon us, or we would be caught again by the law. "Son!" I heard my father say as he was walking towards me in his usual crooked gait. I uncrossed my arms and turned to him, "Yeah?" I said back. But from the look in his face, I knew that I must have replied wrong, for he turned to mean again. He went to swing his fist at me, but I dodged him, which caused him to stumble and fall to the ground. He groaned and sat in the dirt in a daze. "Get up old man!" I shouted down at him. I wasn't going to put up with his shenanigans this time. So I marched towards him and hauled him up to his feet by his shirt collar, then I pushed him in the directions of where our new men were arguing. "Quiet!! You imbeciles. If you keeping shouting like that the ceiling will collapse on us, now pipe down and listen up." I was just about to begin my speech when I noticed that Denvers wasn't in our group, pinching the bridge of my nose I looked towards Eastman and asked him where Denvers was. He shrugged his shoulders and spat on the ground, 'Don't know boss, last time I saw him was when he was guarding the prisoner."

THE PRISONER!!! I had completely forgotten about the deputy that we kidnapped. It was too quiet, even if we rendered him unconscious, he should be coming too right about now. I despatched to other men to Denvers location and instructed them to locate him and the prisoner and to report back to me if anything seemed to be suspicious. They both nodded and went on their way, but as soon as another hour passed I knew that something was wrong. It was eerie quiet right now and I had a nagging suspicion that I, in particular, was being watched. Unholstering my gun from its pouch, I turned around and began to make a survey of my surroundings, soon I was able to hear a female's whispered words as she doubted her decision to come and find us, stupid chit, she should be afraid, especially when I get my hands on her. I was just about 2 spring on her when I felt a tapping hand on my shoulder I turned my head to look over it and found myself blacking out.


Damn that hurt, I whispered to myself as I rubbed my knuckles. But looking down at the scum who attempted to hurt my fiance again, is something that I would not tolerate. I kicked him once more for good measure to make sure that he was truly and completely out as I didn't want him to wake up as I was hauling him towards his new destination the impenetrable Texas prison. I knew that once he resided there he would never Escape. After securing his hands with some rope I had on me I made my way towards Angela and embraced her from behind. It startled her and she almost reached for her own rifle but when she caught a hint of my cologne that I put on myself she smiled and threw herself into my arms.

"Is it done?"

 Angela asked me. I nodded silently at her and kissed her on the forehead. We were then interrupted by a clearing throat, I saw Chase and the other men surrounding us and laughing silently, "Oh shut up you guys leave us alone," I said. Chase came over to me and gripped my shoulder hard, "Can't do that," he said,  "we have a wedding to a plan!" I was confused for a moment, 

"but didn't I tell you before that I wanted to finish my apprenticeship with Aaron?"

 Aaron chose that moment to step forward, 

"No son you have already succeeded in finishing your apprenticeship.
 He reached into his pocket and took out a deputy star, then he approached me and pinned it on my shirt and clamping his hand on my arm he smiled and said: "congratulations you are now Deputy Jonathan Dodd." I smiled and gathered Angela closer into my embrace I whispered into her ear "will you be my wife Angela Marie Colt?"

Angela blushed then she kissed me on the lips and nodded her head, "of course I will, you big dummy." Everyone laughed when they heard her say that, I laughed with them then I kissed her back. 

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