2. (Breaking and Entering)

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  " Good luck."

  I turned to give her a smirk."Luck is for losers."

She slumped the camera that was hanged around her neck back to her chest."Yup, for losers like you."

" You are lame." I said not having a better reply at my disposal at the moment.

" So are you. Now shoo."

Saluting to Penn who in response just rolled her eyes to, I exited the car. My backpack bounced up and down, as I jogged to the nearby bush. I quickly planted an explosive.

When I saw them distracted, I moved to other bush. I patiently waited for the operation of entering the vault to launch. Like a hawk, I watched their constant pacing. The long thick bush hid my overly dressed body concealing me from the guards that moved from one side of the house to the other, darting their sharp eyes to all the angles of the scantly housed place.

Too bad for them but too good for me.

I smirked at the stern looking men, who glowered at everything their piercing eyes landed on.

Shouldn't they know by now that the night veils any imposter?

They could have used a night vision glasses, but no they just gwak like a trespasser would come out of the dark and give their hands to them. Not that I was complaining this worked out very good for me.

How is that each, and every one of them are men though? It is probably because that they thought women couldn't handle it. Just like every other male at Cube Camp. I would show them how capable and qualified women are.

I looked at my wrist watch. It was 12:59. One minute left for me to begin. The nervousness I had before was replaced by a rush of excitement. The same thrill I felt before every mission. I saw on standby ready to bounce at any given moment. I strained my eyes on my watch until the clock striked one.

Finally! I can't believe sixty seconds were that long.

I heard a whisper in the sensor of my ear.

" Go, Now!"

This was the command I have been waiting for. Wearing a black mask, I quickly pressed the red button and released. The explosive I set inside the bush blew up, shooting sparks red flame and some leaves up to the dark blow along with a loud blow that shook the ground. The two men that were guarding the house quickly ran over to the exploding bushes and this was my que to make a move.

I sprung out of the bushes, running to the cabin. I quickly reached over the window. Inserting a puffy knife between the frame and the sash I used my palms to press the sash upward, separating the window seal, widening the gap with fingers. With a final forceful nudge, the window rolled up.

Except the ray of red light that was criss-crossed into what looked like a tangled thread of devil's snare, it was pitch black and silent as a grave. As if someone would have their heads if they spoke inside it's polished walls. An invlountary shiver went down my spine.

In my attempt to study my invisible surrounding, my hands went further than I had intended to, pushing something in the process. I realized it was some kind of vase by the texture and the opened hole in the middle. Luckily, I caught it before it dropped on the floor and disrupt my plan.

Get it together lyra!

I quickly shoved my unoccupied hands inside my pocket, fishing out my vision glasses. Unlike someone, I have one. Putting the glasses on, I placed the vase in its rightful place.

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