The Muggle Borns

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When Sev got back to Spinner's End, Remus had the two Muggle born children settled by the fire in the parlor with mugs of hot chocolate. He had got them cleaned up, dressed them in old tee shirts of Sev's he had drummed up somewhere. The girl wore a green shirt with Slytherin blazed across the chest in faded silver script. A faint silver snake wound its way lazily in and out of the letters, the spell he had cast years ago, old and worn out. The boy wore a black shirt with the mustard yellow emblem of Puddlemere United. They had been Sev's quidditch team in his youth, when he cared about such things. Both the children were small enough that the shirts served as adequate nightdresses.

"This is Amanda and this is Gavin," said Remus gravely to Sev.

Sev just nodded at them.

"This is the man who rescued you," Remus explained.

Sev nodded again.

"You're a bloody hero," Remus said, looking at him.

"Less said the better," said Sev curtly.

"It's still true," said Remus.

"They're already a huge security risk."

"Sev, their parents. They must be frantic."

"Dead," said Sev shortly. "And don't use my name."

"Oh." Remus looked over at the children with concern but they showed no reaction. Either they already knew, or they were too traumatized to react.

"Our dad's alive," said the little girl in a whisper.

"I thought your parents were killed," said Sev.

"That's our step dad," piped up the boy. "Our real dad lives in London." And he started crying.

"Oh Merlin," said Sev and sank down into the spindly armchair by the fire. A little puff of dust rose from the burgundy velvet. He buried his face in his hands. In the quiet room the fire crackled and the little boy continued to wail.

"We've got to get them back to their father," said Remus urgently.

"I agree," said Severus. He looked over the children critically. "Do you know your father's address?" he asked the little girl. He was trying to sound gentle but it didn't really work. It came out harsh, imperious.

"Yes," said the child tremulously, and she gave an address.

"Where's that?" asked Sev, looking over at Remus.

"It's in East London, near Hackney. I know the neighborhood. I lived there for a spell," replied Remus.

"They can't go back into the Muggle world," said Sev. "They'll just be picked up again. They'll have to be hidden."

"And the parents are Muggles?"

"That's what they said at the meeting. Someone screwed up if they left the father alive. Didn't do their research right," Sev said. He couldn't keep the grim satisfaction out of his voice. In the world of Death Eaters, one person's failure was another's opportunity. He looked up at Remus. "You'll have to come with me."

"I....." Remus looked taken aback. "I haven't been out of this house in weeks."

"I know," said Sev. "I don't like it, but we'll just have to risk it."

Remus just ran his hand through his hair and looked at Sev in confusion.

"Lupin," said Sev, realizing as he said it that he had broken his own rule and used Remus' name. "Do you really think I can win the trust of some strange Muggle parent all by myself?"

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