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[ ❝ And everybody wants to think they won't  ❞ ]

"So you're saying we only have 3 months before the power supply runs out?" Sunwoo asked, sitting on a high chair in the kitchen with the rest of the group.

Y/n nodded her head, her arms rested on the table as she ran a hand through her hair. "This is getting fucking annoying," Sunwoo sighed, ruffling his hair in frustration. Donghyun gets up and grabs a cigarette pack from one of the bags and walks outside, along with Hangyeol. Y/n never really talked to them, they kept to themselves mostly. She watches the two leave in dismay and she stands up, getting the attention of everyone.

"I know everyone is confused and scared right now, but the only way to survive is if we think logically." Y/n said, leaning on a kitchen counter that faced the group. "We can stay here for the winter, but we don't have enough food to last us that long, so we're going to have to think of someway to get food." Y/n explained.

Jacob stood up, "There aren't any gas stations nearby, so we have to save the gas in the trucks if we eventually find a way out of here. Conserve as much electricity as you can, we can't be scared if we want to live, understood?"

The group nodded, dispersing within the cabin. Y/n gave a quick thumbs up to Joonyoung for joining her speech. She turned towards the living room and saw Ms. Ahn. The teacher was sitting still with no expression. Y/n decided not to bother her, as she thought Ms. Ahn needed some time to grasp the situation.

The cabin was still. A few students went upstairs to take a nap, a few ate some snacks by the fireplace. Hyungseo was in the kitchen with Youngjae and Sunwoo, and Chanhee was with Haknyeon, sitting at the dining table.

A sound caught everyone's attention. An engine rumbling. Y/n's head shot up, she knew what it was. Her legs reacted faster than her thoughts as she ran out the front door seeing one of the trucks back out quickly. Y/n ran and shouted towards the car with all of her strength, but the car drove away too fast for her to catch up. She could only think of two names. 

Donghyun and Hangyeol.

Y/n was breathing harshly as the rest of the group ran outside to see what was going on. Y/n grabbed her hair in frustration an screamed as loud as she could, startling the crows above. Y/n screamed until her lungs were on fire, until her throat was dry, until everything could hear her cry for help. She cursed at the two who took the car, flipping them off until they were completely out of sight.

"You fucking pieces of shit!" Y/n shouted, "FUCK YOU." 

Y/n took a deep breath and ruffled her hair, taking off her flannel and wrapping it around her waist. She shouldn't let her anger control her, she knew that, so she rushed inside, not bothering to speak to the others who looked at her with concern.

Sunwoo watched Y/n storm into the cabin, steam practically radiating off of her. He followed her, but was surprised to see Hyungseo starting after her as well. They both stopped as they realized what the other was doing and Sunwoo huffed in annoyance, Hyungseo staring at Sunwoo in confusion.

"I'm going, meet you guys inside." Sunwoo said to the group, side-eyeing Hyungseo.

As Hyungseo watched Sunwoo walk into the house with the others, Youngjae rested his hand on Hyungseo's shoulder. "Seems like there's competition."

Hyungseo looked at Youngjae and rolled his eyes, "I don't like her dumbass, we're just friends."

"That's what they always say." Youngjae stated, "You'll only realize once Mr. Hot Head snatches her first." Youngjae stepped inside the cabin, leaving Hyungseo to stand outside, contemplating what Youngjae said.

Hyungseo shook his head, he shouldn't think about that stuff, he didn't like her after all.


Y/n stood up from her seat that she sat in for almost an hour, thinking, and opened the door to the tiny balcony. She stepped out, feeling the cold night breeze as she heard crickets chirp. She took the flannel from her waist and wrapped it around her arms, her breath getting caught in the freezing air. "Why is life not going my way, huh?"

"Was I a thug in my past life? Why are you not on my side?" Y/n whispered into the starry sky. "Please. Do this one thing for me.." Y/n put her hands together, "Protect them, please don't let anything happen to them."

"What are you doing?"

Y/n jumped in surprise and turned around, "Fuck," She muttered under her breath, "You scared me."

"I asked what are you doing?" Sunwoo smiled, seeing Y/n loosen up a bit as she recognized him.

"Nothing really, I'm just worried." Y/n sighed, looking down at her hands. 

Sunwoo walked towards her, glancing at her every once and a while. He stood beside her on the balcony, looking up into the sky, seeing his breath fog up the white dots. "Why are you worried?" 

"How am I not? We're miles away from home, there's crazy people running around and no one's taking care of it, how are you so relaxed?" Y/n blew a hair out of her face, resting her arms on the railing.

"Well, we still have each other, right?" Sunwoo smiled cheekily, looking at Y/n with wide puppy eyes. "Stop that." Y/n smiled slightly.

"I made you smile, didn't I?" Sunwoo chuckled, continuing his playful act. "No you didn't, I just... scoffed." Y/n glared at him.

Y/n smacked Sunwoo playfully, finally cracking a grin as Hyungseo sighed from the door frame, watching the pair bicker on the balcony. They seemed so close, even though they've known each other for less than three days, and Hyungseo? He's known her since he was a freshman, a year and yet no progress, Y/n probably doesn't even know he was also from Canada.

Hyungseo turned around, walking out of the already opened door, and felt conflicted. Why did his heart ache so badly? Why was he fuming when they smiled at each other? Why did he have to feel this way? Why did he like her so much?

Hyungseo's breath hitched.

"I... like her?" 


back after 7 whole months 0_0 no excuse for that umm, sorry hehe. This isn't discontinued don't worry, I just lost a LOT of motivation. There'll be more updates in the future!

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