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[ ❝'Cause everybody makes it  ❞ ]

"Where's Jisung?" Was the first thing Ms. Ahn asked when everyone woke up. Y/n knew the answer, but how to word it was why she stayed silent. Soon, Ms. Ahn asked Y/n, and she decided to just say how it happened.

"He left to find his sister." That was all Y/n had to say to convince the group to stay longer than they should have.

It was already 10 am and Jisung still hasn't shown. The group was supposed to leave three hours before, but Y/n was still hopeful. During those three hours, the group was packing food and water, preparing for a long trip. Packing the blanket curtains and filling their bags with whatever they could find useful. Y/n sighed and stood up, grabbing her backpack.

"Let's go." Y/n huffed, looking at the door that led to the storage room. She could still imagine Jisung standing there, waving her goodbye. She still wondered if he ever found his sister, if they were going to come back to the store and find it deserted. A breath escaped her mouth as she turned towards the group and signaled them to follow her through the back door.

Ms. Ahn wasn't in the state of mind to drive, so Jacob and Hyungseo took over. Haknyeon hotwired two trucks enough to fit everyone. The back of the trucks were covered with a tonneau cloth that was found in one of the carboard boxes, covering the people who were sitting there.

Y/n sat in the passenger seat while Jacob was driving, checking in the back every few minutes.

"You guys good back there?" Y/n asked, checking her pistol absent-mindedly.

"Yep, fine and dandy." Youngjae responded.

As Y/n clipped the magazine inside the pistol, she looked up to the car in front of her that Hyungseo was driving, turn towards a gas station. No matter what, Jacob had to follow, so he turned right after Hyungseo.

Jacob parked the car and got out with Y/n. She saw Youngjae and Sunwoo hop out of the tonneau cloth and stretch their limbs. She turned her attention to the gas station, walking inside, her hand close to the gun in her holster. She turned around and saw everyone stretching and getting gas, she was the only one in the store, it couldn't hurt getting more supplies.

Y/n walked through the aisles, grabbing canned foods and lots of water, until she heard a noise.


She grabbed the gun, she didn't have her bat or knife with her, so her only defense was the pistol. The sound was getting closer, right around the corner it seemed. She breathed in, hearing her heartbeat in her ear canals when she turned, pointing the gun with two hands at the sound.

Y/n's eyes widened, slowly lowering the gun and tears forming in her eyes.



He's gone. And it was her fault. If she just told him to stay or even gone with him, then he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Y/n let a tear slide down her cheek, her hands shaking as she held up the gun. The Jisung she didn't know anymore noticed her presence, his teeth baring and his eyes pure mist. The Jisung she once knew was gone, and she knew that. Her thumb turned the safety off, and before he could jump her.

She pulled the trigger.

The sound rang throughout the store, traveling out of the building and to everyone's ears. The others widened their eyes, thinking something bad had happened for there to be a gunshot. The group rushed towards the abandoned store, hastily opening the broken glass door to find a girl hunched over.

Jacob walked over to her, and gasped at the body that laid next to her, kneeling down and looking at Y/n. He put an arm on her shaky back and sighed, hugging her from the front so she didn't have to look at what she had done. It seemed like they stayed there for hours, until Jacob felt her breath regulate. He looked down to see her tear-stained face peacefully sleeping and took a deep breath, picking her up.

"We have to go now, the gunshot might have attracted others nearby, and we don't want visitors." Jacob looked at Hyungseo, "Get as much as you need. We're going far. Farther than you think."

Hyungseo nodded hesitantly as he watched Jacob walk towards the cars, carrying Y/n. He sighed and beckoned the others to start packing everything they could carry. Meanwhile, Hyungseo's stare lingered on Jisung. His body limp and still, half of his face ripped off, but what Hyungseo noticed something that was unusual.

There was no bite mark anywhere on his skin.

Hyungseo knew that the virus spread through a bite mark based on what he read in articles, but he thought it might be somewhere that he couldn't see, so he brushed it off, walking back to the car as he waited for the others to arrive. He saw Jacob set Y/n in her seat and buckling her in, sighing as he thought of the things she's been through in such a short time.

Hyungseo was snapped out of his thoughts when Youngjae threw his arm around Hyungseo's shoulder, holding up a half filled bottle of water. "I found this next to Jisung's bag, it looks a bit weird doesn't it?"

Hyungseo agreed, taking the bottle from Youngjae's hand and examining the mossy green liquid. Jisung wouldn't be stupid enough to drink this, right? Unless he was desperate.  Hyungseo, unscrewed the top and a whiff of a bad odor flew into his sinuses, Youngjae covering his nose with his shirt. Hyungseo poured a small portion of the liquid on the asphalt, the liquid splashing everywhere. Still, Hyungseo was confused.

"Throw it out, someone could accidentally drink it." Hyungseo handed Youngjae the bottle.

Now the water is contaminated, great, Hyungseo thought, getting into the car. But bottled water is manufactured, so it's probably from the tap. double fucking great.

Let's hope there's still spring water that's clean. Hyungseo started the engine to the truck.

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