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[ ❝ When the world is silent ❞ ]

As Y/n left the classroom, she trudged towards her locker again. She tried to open the padlock while half asleep and delirious. It wasn't very effective. Soon, with much trouble, she opened her locker and grabbed her books for her next class. She suspected her class would be empty, since there was a break. Students littered the hallways, studying, having a snack, or hanging out, but Y/n didn't feel like socializing that day, so she strolled towards her empty class.

Y/n sat in a seat beside the window ─ which is arguably the best seat to have ─ and leaned against the soft curtains as she looked outside.

The rain had stopped and the sun came to say hello, but something else caught her eye, it was a person walking across the street towards the school gates. She had never seen him before, and she started to worry as they climbed the fence.

Y/n took a closer look and saw that the clothes were a tattered, ripped cashier uniform. He probably worked at a nearby convenience store, but that didn't change the fact that he was climbing the tall gate, advancing towards Y/n's P.E. teacher.

Y/n did nothing but watch blankly as the cashier was a few feet away from the otherwise, angry, teacher. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but the flailing arms hinted that he wanted the cashier gone. However, the cashier didn't respond, and continued to trudge. It confused the teacher, and Y/n saw as her teacher turned around, obviously annoyed and started to make a phone call.

But the next few minutes felt like a nightmare.

It happened in slow-motion, almost like in a horror movie.

The cashier jumped on the P.E. teacher. Y/n was surprised and flinched, he was like a spider, fast and unpredictable. However, she remembered this one encounter that gave her faith the teacher could win this fight.

"You guys don't have to worry about anyone trying to beat you up, they'll get to taste their own ass if they come across me." It made Y/n and her class laugh when they were tired and hot after finishing a mile run.

When the person jumped on the teacher, he tried to get him off, but the cashier had a grasped around his neck. Y/n was interested, but indifferent. Nothing too bad could happen, the cashier was probably drunk. When the cashier was pulled off by the teacher, Y/n nodded contently. She was about to go back to sleep, but her eyes widened.

The cashier jumped back on him, and bit him.

Y/n gasped, putting her hands to her mouth as she watched her P.E teacher bleed out from his neck, the blood running down his gym clothes, and onto the wet concrete.  It was disgusting and made Y/n sick to the stomach. She felt like throwing up.

Y/n didn't notice then, but it started raining again.

Y/n couldn't bare the sight, so she turned away and gagged, putting her hands to her sweaty forehead.

What the hell is going on? She thought.

It only took a few seconds for the peaceful world she had, to turn into hell.

And those few seconds she could never take back.

Y/n was sick, she felt like vomiting, so she ran outside the empty classroom, and through the crowded halls.

She bumped into someone's shoulder causing them to drop their books. She would have apologized and helped, but what happened a minute before replayed in her head and she really felt like puking at that moment, so she ran away towards the bathrooms.

promiseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ