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[ ❝ We'll be alive ❞ ]

"I'm Joonyoung and this is my sister, Y/n." Jacob answered with his korean name.

"Thank you, Y/n, for saving me." Haknyeon smiled, bowing in her direction.

Sunwoo scoffed, making Y/n slightly chuckle and nod, acknowledging Haknyeon's thankfulness. She was also thanking her luck that let her survive that encounter, the chances she was correct were slim to none. She was about to ask Haknyeon what happened before they met, until the teacher spoke up.

"What's in your bag?" Ms. Ahn asked.

Y/n turned around, seeing Ms. Ahn point at Y/n's back. Y/n swung her backpack to the ground and opened it up, revealing the medical supplies that she stuffed in a hurry. Suddenly, Hyungseo kneeled by the bag, which made Y/n confused.

"Some of these are prescribed for mental illnesses..." Hyungseo muttered holding up an orange prescription bottle. The small circular pills clinking as Hyungseo turned it to its side, reading the small description closely.

"I don't see a specific name it's prescribed for, so let's throw it out, it won't be of use anyways." Hyungseo stated, looking at Y/n.

Y/n nodded, taking Hyungseo's word for it, considering she didn't know a thing about medicine. A question floated around her head for a while as she watched Hyungseo dump out the medical supplies, throwing specific bottles into a pile. People were scattered; some were thinking,  others were sending messages to people and looking online for anything that correlated to what was happening. Looking out the window wasn't much help, since there was a giant tree blocking the view.

"How do you know which one's are prescribed for mental illnesses? They all look the same." Y/n asked, sitting down next to him.

"I'm studying psychology right now, I'm going to major in it once I go to college." Hyungseo answered, throwing another prescription bottle in the pile.

Y/n nodded, pulling her knees to her chest, resting her head on them while she continued to watch Hyungseo. Hyungseo noticed that she was still watching and decided to show her a bottle of pills he learned about just a week ago. He decided it was better to talk to her because he was done sorting. So, he turned towards her and showed her a bottle with pills inside, shaped like an egg.

"This pill is called vortioxetine. I learned about it a week ago." Hyungseo started. Y/n titled her head at the name, making Hyungseo scoot closer to explain.

"It's a type of antidepressant people have used, it's strong and quite expensive so I'm surprised how you found a pill like this. It would be a waste if we just threw it away." Hyungseo said, taking a pill out.

"How much is it? It can't be that much." Y/n asked.

"It's around 300,000 won ($250) to be prescribed for a month with it, the dosage is 5 to 10 mg so about one pill a day." Hyungseo stated, making Y/n's eyes widen.

"Well, I don't know a lot about depression, but it might come in handy?" Y/n asked, slightly unsure.

Hyungseo shrugged his shoulders, putting the bottle of antidepressants in the bag, just in case. Hyungseo looked at Y/n just as lightning struck outside, making Haknyeon yelp a bit, startling Y/n so much that she leaped forward into Hyungseo, who caught her in his lap.

The position was awkward, Y/n was squished in between Hyungseo's legs, and his hands were holding her arms gently. They were staring at each other for a few seconds when Y/n's cheeks turned pink as she stumbled out of the position. She mumbled a sorry and walking over to Chanhee and tried to calm her embarrassment a bit. Chanhee was looking on his phone at the time, but he wasn't trying to call his family to see if they were alright. Instead, he was studying.

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