"Oh shut up El! You and dad both left me to wake up to an empty house and Amy was kind enough to ambush me in the driveway and force me into her car." I told him as Amy tried not to laugh.

"You left her alone in the house?" Ryder asked Elliott and for some reason he looked very tense. I watched as Lewis elbowed Ryder making him snap out of his angry state.

"I'm sorry, Rory! You can't be mad with me, I'm too loveable!" Elliott said dramatically.

"Damn it," I mumbled when Elliott stared at me with a pout and the puppy dog eyes making the others laugh and me mutter under my breath. "You can't use that innocent expression on me! I taught you it!"

"Please forgive me?" He whined.

"Fine." I sighed and nearly shrieked when he grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

The bell rang suddenly signalling class was about to start.

"What lesson do you have?" Elliott asked me.

"I have Art. What about you?" I replied.

"Business Studies so I'll see you later." He said before Alex, Amy, Lewis and Jared pulled him off to class.

"Come on, Rory."

I jumped at the sound of Ryder's deep voice - which was sexy and husky - when I remembered he was there.

I smiled at him and nodded when he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me after him.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I walked close beside him.

"To class." He smiled.

"You have art too?" I asked, mirroring his smile.

"Yep. It looks like we have the next two hours together in art." He grinned wider as he pulled me closer to his side as if it was the most natural thing to do in the world - not that I was complaining, I was freezing and he was just radiating heat.

"Who else is in your art class?" I asked.

"Only two other people, Bradley and Lisa. They're mates - I mean a couple." He said correcting himself. "So I'm glad you are here so can have someone to talk to."

"Well I'm glad it's only the four of us - I guess it will give us a chance to get to know each other better." I said.

I smiled a little wider when I saw his eyes light up but I don't think he noticed that so I stayed quiet.

"Yes it will. I want to know everything about you." He said sincerely.

"There's a lot I wanna know about you too." I said with a smile.

"Feel free to ask me anything." He said as he held the classroom door open for me which I thanked him for.

There were two other people in the room; a short blonde girl and a brown haired boy, I guessed they were Bradley and Lisa. I noticed how they both bowed their heads when they saw Ryder and I.

I frowned at that but didn't say anything about it as Ryder took my hand again and pulled me to the table at the back of the room while Lisa and Bradley were at the one at the front.

"Don't you have a teacher?" I asked Ryder as we sat down beside each other.

"She is rarely here - we usually just get on with the work she assigns us through the notes she leaves for us on her desk." He explained and at that moment Bradley got out of his seat and handed Ryder a piece of paper before sitting back down. "See." Ryder added as he held up the paper that explained the lesson plan.

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