Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten|Sickness and Sneezes.

*Aurora's POV*

"Come on, Rory, you're going to be late for school." Elliott said as he walked into my room.

I groaned slightly at the searing pain in my head.

"Go away." I gritted out as I turned on to my back.

"Damn, Rory." He whispered. "You don't look so good." He placed his cool hand against my burning forehead and I winced. "Caine!" He yelled urgently causing me to flinch at how it made my head hurt.

I heard the pounding of hurried footsteps as my dad ran up the stairs to my room.

"Rory? What's the matter?" He asked as he ran over to me and began checking me over.

"She's ill." Elliott said.

"Really? I didn't notice." My dad said sarcastically making me bury my face in my pillow to try and drown out the noise.

"You're staying here today. I'll call your school and tell them." I merely nodded. "Do you want someone to stay home with you?"

"No. I'll be fine." I mumbled while my eyes remained closed.

"Drink plenty of water, try and eat something and stay warm." My dad told me before kissing my cheek and standing up. "I'll be home at 6."

I nodded.

"Feel better soon." Elliott said as he kissed my other cheek. "Call me if you feel worse or if you need anything."

"Okay." I mumbled.

I heard them leave my room and five minutes later I heard the front door close and both of them leave.

"Ouch." I mumbled as I sat up in my bed.

After blinking away the pain in my head I climbed out of my bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and groaned at how ill I looked. My usually tan skin was sickly pale and was covered in a sheen of sweat due to my fever, my eyes were dark and bleary and I realised I was swaying slightly so I grabbed the edge of the sink to steady myself.

I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth before I washed my face. I then brushed my hair and put it up into a messy bun before I stumbled back into my room. The clothes I had slept in were all sweaty and clung to me so I quickly stripped and put some new underwear on and a baggy football jersey.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. After I grabbed a bottle of water I walked back up to my room and laid down on my bed as I wrapped a blanket around myself.

I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. I snuggled into the blanket as I watched Disney's Cinderella that was on TV.

I didn't remember falling asleep but when I opened my eyes it was already 3 o'clock and it was safe to say I was not feeling any better. I heard the front door being unlocked and I immediately knew that it was Elliott when I heard his voice. I frowned when I realised that someone must have been with him.

I looked towards my bedroom door when I heard someone knocking and smiled when Elliott peeked his head around the door.

"Hey, I have some people here who wanted to see how you were doing," he told me with a grin before he opened the door fully and I smiled when Amy hurried into the room and jumped onto the bottom of my bed as I slowly forced myself to sit up in my bed. I glanced back over to Elliott and saw that Ryder, Lewis and Alex were with him as well.

"Why are you all here?" I asked quietly.

"We wanted to check up on you," Amy smiled at me from where she was sitting.

"So how are you feeling?" Ryder asked me with a concerned frown as he stepped further into my room followed by the others.

"I still feel like crap but I feel much better than I was earlier," I laughed dryly as I ran a hand through my tangled hair.

"Do you want us to get you anything? Ice cream? A teddy bear? Flowers? Group cuddles?" Alex teased with the last suggestion and I felt a large smile tug at my lips.

"You don't need to get me anything," I told him, "I'll be fine."

"Nonsense," Amy said, "I'm going to fetch you some vanilla ice cream and then we can sit and watch some movies together, okay?"

I smiled, "Alright but in that case, there are a few other things you could bring me."

"Name it," she said with a grin.

"A large bag of skittles, a mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, a few more blankets and something to cuddle with," I said with a smile and quickly added, "please."

"Anything for you, Rory," she smiled wider before she stood up and looked at the boys, "Elliott, Lewis and Alex can go to the shops and fetch the skittles and ice cream, and maybe some more snacks, I'll go and start making some hot chocolates and I'll find some blankets," she said.

"What do you want me to do?" Ryder asked his sister who grinned up at him.

"You're her 'something to cuddle with,'" she winked up at her brother before pushing the others out of the room with a laugh leaving Ryder and I alone in my room making my heart flutter in my chest.

He grinned over at me before he gestured to my bed, "Room for one more?" he asked, "You are free to cuddle me as much as you want," he added which made me laugh, already feeling better when he made me smile.

I laughed and moved over in my bed to make room for him beside me. He removed his navy blue jacket and shoes and climbed under the blankets beside me. He pulled me down so that my head was resting against his shoulder and I smiled in content when he wrapped his muscled arm around me and began stroking the bare skin of my arm. He pulled the covers around us some more and I watched as he grabbed the TV remote and flicked through my list of movies before he put on Beauty and the Beast which made my smile grow.

"You already know me so well," I laughed lightly as I snuggled further into his warmth as he smiled down at me. "Thank you for being my personal teddy bear," I joked making his chest rumble in a laugh.

"Anytime princess," he said as he tightened his hold around me. I already knew that I didn't need the ice cream, blankets or skittles, I was already starting to feel better and it was all because of Ryder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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