• ❝〔 😼 〕❞ •

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• ❝〔 😼 〕❞ •

    Looking ahead, I spot the five prisoners with their faces covered with some kind of sack or something and their hands bound together with some heavy-looking metal cuffs

    Then one of them spoke up, "The candidates are here, untie me"

    We stood on the platform while the first prisoner's handcuffs released his hands and he took off the sack covering his head to reveal a huge bald ass head full of scars

    'Omg he's wearing a crop top''

    "Our mission here is to fight against you, the matches are one against one, and one can only fight once. You'll have to reach three victories if you want to go on!" The man started to explain, "The rules are simple, everything is allowed. There's no limit! The defeat of one means the victory of his opponent!"

    "You only have to say if you accept this trial or not! O if you accept, X if you refuse!"

   "Well, obviously we choose O..." I muttered, "You must be really dumb to choose something else!" Leorio said, a bip sound came from my watch as I pushed the button for O

    O 5 X 0

    "Okay, I'm the one beginning so, choose now!" the man shouted

    I hesitated but raised my hand first, "I- I'll go first" I stuttered, they were surprised to hear me announce to be the first one. Well, I'm just a fragile little kid so they might've thought I'd go when my opponent seems weak. They Are wrong cause I'm actually built differently

    "Wait, are you sure?" Kurapika asked worriedly, I nodded, seeming confident, but inside I actually wanted to kms for saying that "yeah"

   "Okay, well good luck" Kurapika my bae, my love, everything I've ever wanted, smiled and gave me a pat on the back.

    Of course, I'm gonna do well, hell nah I'll embarrass myself in front of my bae Kurapika, I made my way in front of the man as the bridge-like thing extended from the place I was standing on

    "If you fail, we're leaving you here!" Killua yelled out, "shut up loser!" I yelled back, flipping him off

    "For the fight itself, I propose... A fight to death! Until the death or the desertion of a fighter, we'll fight!" He states, "Okay," his head is so bald bro what the fuck it's literally shining..

    I got into a fighting stance with both arms up on both sides of my face, hands curled up in a ball, my left leg behind my right leg who was in front

    "Now that's determination,"

    "Let's go!" In a flash he rushed towards me with some speed, I slid to my side fast enough to dodge him as I went behind him, then slammed it on his back to where his spine was located as hard as I can then I swiftly went in front and punched him on the rib,

    He let out a loud groan in pain as his body made contact with the concrete floor, I'm glad they put a strength increase thing option in this game

    My right heel immediately made contact with the back of his neck in an attempt to not make him get back up any longer, "Shit! Ha... For a kid, you got the strength...!"

    "Of course, I'm better than your bald ass"

    I put my index and middle finger together with the other three fingers closed down and slammed it on the base of his skull or the back of his ear, his body flinched and then just stopped moving

    I let out a "Huh?" then proceeded to kick him, "Sir? Sir? Oh my fucking god he's fucking dead"


Énouement ☆ hxh x gnreaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora