The Secret In The Tears || Mildred Ratched & Wilhemina Venable

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Wilhemina and Mildred sat in silence as you slept for the next few hours. Visiting hours were soon coming to an end so Wilhemina got up and collected her things before turning towards Mildred.

"Get your things together. It's time for us to go." She said still acting completely unphased by this entire situation.

Mildred glared at her before crossing her legs and folding her arms over her chest.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Mildred its nearly time for bed. Let's go." Wilhemina stated again as she tapped her cane against the ground. She was growing impatient.

"I'm not leaving her here by herself. Go on, I'll see you tomorrow." Mildred said as she reached forward and pulled the covers over you as you slept peacefully.

"Fine." And with that Wilhemina turned and walked out of the hospital room leaving you and Mildred alone.

After she left Mildred sat back and sighed as she looked over at you whilst getting lost in her thoughts. She began to think about the last few months you had spent with them, desperately trying to figure out where things might have gone downhill. As she sat there thinking about what could have gone wrong you slowly began to awaken from your slumber, slightly groaning due to the lights and your fatigue.

She heard this and leaned forward placing her hand on your lower back, trying to gently lull you back to sleep. But instead of melting into her touch you flinched and quickly sat up before scooting away from her. Her heart ached at your actions and she slowly drew her hand away before setting it in her lap.

You cleared your throat before glancing at her. "I thought you would've gone home by now." You muttered lowly.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright. Do you mind if I stay with you?" She questioned in a soft voice that was laced with a hint of sadness. You heard it and immediately felt bad for your reaction.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I know you have to work in the morning, I'll be fine alone." You said still not meeting her gaze directly.

"I think they'll be able to live without me for one day. I need to make sure my girl is alright." She said with a sad smile.

Her girl. She called you her girl. This sent butterflies to your stomach and warmth throughout your whole body. But the feeling left as quick as it came as you thought about the conversation you heard earlier.

"Your girl is probably at home waiting for you. You should be with her." You stated plainly as you tried to fight off the aching in your heart. You weren't really hers, Wilhemina was. You were just a maid, a pet, a play thing, something to satisfy her needs when Wilhemina couldn't.

Mildred's heart sank as she realized what had caused all of this. Their actions and lack of affection towards you had made you feel unwanted, useless, unloved. She drew in a deep breath before moving to sit on the bed next to you. She slowly and gently cupped your face with her hands and gently lifted your head so your eyes met hers.

"You are my girl as is WIlhemina and I'm deeply sorry if I made you feel anything other than that. Is that what caused this?" She asked as her thumbs gently caressed your cheeks in attempt to keep you at ease.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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