Pray For You || Billie Dean Howard

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You ran out of your apartment in a hurry, already 10 minutes behind your daily schedule. You dashed down the crowded streets of downtown New York as fast as you could but ended up bumping into someone and falling straight on your ass.

"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The voice said above you. You saw their hand reach down to help you hp but you hesitated on grabbing it. That nail polish look oddly familiar.

You grabbed their hand and stood up before dusting off your clothes. Still not looking at the person who sent you flying.

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you for helping me," You looked up and was met by brown eyes you were too familiar with. "....up."

"Well it wouldn't be the first time you fell because of me Y/n. How have you been? It's been a while since the last time I saw you." Billie Dean Howard said as she adjusted her purse on her shoulder. You took in a slightly deep breath before giving her the most genuine smile you could.

"I've been managing. How have you been Billie Dean?" You said whilst clasping your hands in front of you, anxious to get away but not wanting to be rude.

"I've been alright. Finally taking a vacation like you suggested oh so many times." She said with a light laugh. The last time you told her to take a break from filming was 2 years ago.. Months before the two of you split.

"Well I'm glad you finally took my advice. New York doesn't seem like the ideal place to vacation though." You said politely.

"Well I came to see a play on Broadway. I'm only here for the day before going to Europe. Enough about me, what have you been up to?" She ask looking you directly in the eye. Your knees became weak at the way she looked at you but you didn't let yourself falter or even begin to miss her and her loving gazes.

"I've been filming and doing plays actually. Just like I planned. I uh.. I'm actually one of the leads in the Broadway play that's going on tonight." You said proudly.

"Well that's amazing darling. We'll catch up tonight after your show, if that's fine with you." She said softly whilst looking down at her watch.

"That's perfectly fine. See you tonight." And with that you were off.

~after the show~

You practically ran to your dressing room and flopped down into your makeup chair. Eager to get off of your feet and take off your costume. As you were taking off your makeup three gentle knocks rapped on your door and you yelled for the person to come in.

"You were magnificent out there Y/n." You heard Billie Dean's heels click across the floor as she walked into your line of sight. She had a bouquet arranged of magnolias, cherry blossoms, peonies and anemones.

She handed them to you with a small smile on her face which grew as you took them and smelled them.

"These are beautiful. Thank you." You said as you set them on the vanity before quickly removing the rest of your makeup.

"It's the least I can do. You've gone above and beyond for me before, it wouldn't feel right coming empty handed."

You simply nodded and looked away from her as you closed all your makeup and put it away. You sat in a comfortable silence as you were cleaning up and once you were done you turned back to her. Exhaustion was evident in your eyes and posture.

"Would you like I ride home? I can take you before I go to the airport." She offered. You were too tired to walk home so you nodded before collecting your things and walking out of your dressing room with her in tow.

The ride to your apart was relatively quiet beside the music playing from the radio. Soon she was parked out of your apartment and getting out to open your door for you, like she had done in the past.

You took her hand and got out of the car with her help, hold your keys in one hand and your flowers in the other.

"It was nice seeing you again Y/n. I wish you the best in your acting career. Maybe it'll cause us to run into each other, hopefully you don't fall next time." She finished jokingly.

You let out a few small giggles before replying to her.

"Wouldn't be the first or last time that has happened. And I've been wishing you the best as well Billie Dean. Um, there's this song that I've been playing alot. It kind of describes how I feel about you. Listen to it on your way to the airport." You took her phone from her and went to her music app before adding the sound to her library.

Once you were done you placed her phone back in her hands and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, bidding her goodbye as you walked into your apartment building. She waited until you were inside before leaving.

She hooked up her phone to her aux cord and played the song, softly smiling as she listened to the words.

The feeling's have been mutual
I'm ready to let you know
Don't wanna see you no more
I'm ready to let this go
But never will I ever not wish you well
Though we're not together, God bless you still
It's gonna get better, I know it will
Just hope you know, I still
I'll pray for you, I'll pray for you
I'll pray for you, I'll pray for you
I pray you find your confidence
Pray you find a confidant
Pray you get everything that you want
Pray you get everything that I could not give to you
I know that it may seem weird to you, but
Never will I ever not wish you well
Though we're not together, God bless you still
It's gonna get better, I know it will
Just hope you know, I still
I'll pray for you, I'll pray for you
I'll pray for you, I'll pray for you
I'll pray


word count: 1040

||The name of the song is Pray For You by Jhene Aiko if you'd like to listen to it for reference||

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