Three Doesn't Seem Too Bad || Sarah Paulson

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Part 3 of Just Us Two

6: "Stop yelling and listen for a second!"
25: "I thought I'd never see you again."

|| Another time skip: 4 years after the ice cream shop incident. Ava still doesn't speak but she and Gina communicate through sign language. Also, they moved from Central LA to San Diego. Not a major move but far enough from Sarah 🥴 Or so she thought. Below is a picture of Ava.||


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"Ava! Its time to go sweetie! Tell Mrs. Alex bye." I shoved all of my things into my purse after finally finding my wallet. I paid for Ava's therapy session before grabbing her hand and walking out of the building.

Its been almost 3 years we moved and since she started her therapy sessions and she's improving so much. She still doesn't talk much so we rely on sign language but she's musically inclined so that helps strengthen her voice and vocal chords.

We walked out of the building swinging our hands playfully as we made our way to the local ice cream shop. We established a new tradition since our move; after every session we go and get ice cream before heading back home or to my office; I am now the head of a real estate company.

I opened the door to the ice cream shop letting Ava go in first before following in behind her. We walked up to the counter together and the usual worker greeted us.

We ordered and paid for our ice cream taking it to go this time since I had to go back to work. Luckily everything was in one vicinity so we could walk almost everywhere.

"When we get back inside I need you to finish your homework and stuff then you can get your ipad okay?"  I looked down at Ava and saw ice cream all over her face.

I just chuckled and reached into my purse grabbing the pack of baby wipes I had in there.

"You're always making a mess munchkin. You must like being sticky huh?" I softly cooed at her whilst tickling her sides in order to hear the laugh that absolutely melts my heart.

I smiled brightly as I watched her fight to get my fingers from her sides as she hopped around. I stopped after a few seconds before squatting down in front of her to finish wiping off her face and hands. I took her bowl from her since she was done with her ice cream and threw it away in a nearby trash can before grabbing her hand and walking back towards my office with her.

Soon we were back in my office; she was doing her homework on the floor next to me and I was sitting at my desk filling out some paperwork when I assistant called me.

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