One In The Same || Wilhemina Venable

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|| Part Dos 🥴 This is gonna be filled with fluff. It might be short. Idk we'll see as I write because Im gonna write this in one sitting as I always do 🥴 Reminder: The reader's name is Mariah ( no, not Carey JJ) and her and Mina are bonding over their similarities; no just the disabilities they have.||


These past nine months have been

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These past nine months have been.... interesting to say the least. I found myself getting wrapped up in Mariah's innocence and charm day by day. We bonded over things constantly and spent a great deal of time together both inside and outside of work. It felt like something was tugging at my heart, an emotion but one I had never felt before and it scared me, a lot honestly. We grew closer each day and I basically knew her like the back of my hand and she was the same way, I just wasn't sure she felt the same.

"Minaaa I got us lunch." Her melodic voice rang through my ears causing me to look up at the entrance of my office. She stood there as tall as she could with a bag of chinese food in her had and a bright smile plastered on her face.

I let out a small laugh before smiling brightly back at her. I closed my laptop before coaxing her over to the desk. As she was walking she tripped over her feet a little which caused me to almost immediately bolt up.

"I'm fine! I'm fine. I just wore the wrong shoes today." She looked up at me flustered before setting the bag on the desk and sitting down in front of me. She huffed making one of the loose curls in her face fly upwards.

"Why don't you have the proper shoes on Tinkerbell?" I cooed jokingly making her cheeks heat up even more in embarrassment as well as agitation.

"Don't call me that! And because they wouldn't have matched my outfit." She poked her bottom lip out pouting at me before folding her arms across her chest. She was so adorable.

"So fashion is more important that your safety? Good to know." I nodded my head in fake surprise as she whined slightly.

"No its not but still! This is a very beautiful dress and my shoes wouldn't have looked right with it. I mean look at me, don't I look divine?" She stood up once more before backing away from the desk and striking a few poses. She spun around before looking at me over her shoulder which my heart race at 1,000 miles per hour.

"You look wonderful baby girl but I'm more worried about your safety than you looks." I spoke in a soft voice trying to mask the shakiness in it by clearing my throat before speaking.

"Fine. I'm never dressing up for you again." She slightly rolled her eyes before realizing what she had really said.

"I - I mean. Um shit!" She stammered over her words before blushing fiercely.

"Oh so you dressed up for me?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her to relieve some of her embarrassment and make her laugh which she did.

"Of course! I always do. B-but not like that. Like in a um. Fuck Mariah where is your filter!" She began to get flustered and embarrassed again as she cursed herself.

"Its alright little one I understand. Now come sit down so we can eat." I instructed her as I opened the bag of food taking the containers out setting them on my desk.

She slowly came back over to the desk and sat down staring at her hands before speaking up again.

"Mina are you.. Um are you free tomorrow night?" She queried softly, her voice lacking confidence and laced with fear.

"Yes I am. Why? Do you have a appointment at the hospital again?" I instantly interrogated getting slightly worried.

"No! No, I don't. I just wanted to know if you would... um... if you would like to go on a date with me?" She didn't sound to sure of what she was saying as the sentence was still laced with fear and uncertainty and she still hadn't looked up at me.

I slightly froze before speaking again.
"Like a date date? Or a friend date?"

"Like a date date. I pick you up and take you to your favorite restaurant and we have dinner and if the first one goes well we go on another one, type of date." She clarified still not looking me in my eyes.

"Mariah. Look at me." I instructed whilst pushing the food to the side.

She slowly peered up at me exposing her flushed cheeks. I leaned forward onto the desk so I was a little closer to her face.

"If I said yes what we talk about on this date? I basically know everything about you and vise versa?" I inquired as I tilted my head to the side slightly.

"Uh well, I didn't think about that. Maybe we could go to the movies? Or we can have a picnic! Oouu! Or we could go to the fair in town and I could try and win you one of those big bear!" She began to ramble thinking of all the things we could do and as she did so I was a sparkle in her eyes that almost made her seem childlike. I just smiled and listened to her ramble on before finally interrupting her.

"We don't need to go on a date." I finally blurted out.

"W-why not?" She questioned looking a little confused.

"We don't need to go on a date because I don't want to. There's no use of going on dates." I spoke calmly still leaning over the desk.

"So you don't want to date me?" Her voice was filled with sadness and her tears began to gloss over slightly.

"I never said that Mariah. I said there's no use in going on those dates. Not right now anyway."

"Well why not?" Her eyes were still glossy and her bottom lip quivered slightly as she awaited my answer.

"Because dates like that are so you can fall in love with the other person. We don't need those dates if I'm already in love with you."

Her face was filled with shock and she sat speechless for a few minutes before tears fell down her face. I immediately thought I did something wrong so I tried to soothe her but she reassured me she was fine. She wiped her tears but the welled up in her eyes again as she looked at me with that heart melting smile plastered on her face.

"You're in love with me? Like really in love with me?" She beamed. I simply blushed and nodded. Hearing her say it back to me had a whole different effect on my heart.

"Good because I'm in love with you."


word count: 1,153

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