Two Of A Kind || Audrey Tindall

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|| Time for my British babe to shineeee 🥰🥰 In this one shot the reader is a rising actress but she has never done an interview before so no on knows how she speaks. She finally agrees to do an interview for a movie she has coming up and she ends up being interviewed by our British babe Audrey when she reveals her accent.||


Sometimes being an actress becomes the most boring thing in the world

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Sometimes being an actress becomes the most boring thing in the world. Especially when there aren't any parts that interest you or when people aren't interested in having you audition. I swear this was the longest dry period I've had in a while. But it was finally ended when I was requested to interview a well known rising star named Y/N Y/L/N.
I took the liberty of googling her just to be prepared when the time came and it seems it came sooner than I thought. Here I was scrambling in my trailer to collect my last notes and fix my makeup a bit. Once I was ready I walked out of my trailer and walked towards the set seeing Y/N getting fixed and dazzled on the side. She glanced over at me and we made eye contact for a moment.

I flushed when she caught me looking but she just sent me a warm smile and a light wave before being turned around to have her outfit slightly adjusted. I waved back quickly before making it onto the set and into my seat. I went over my notes a little bit more as she sat down and got ready as well.

I looked up and went to speak but was cut off by the director coming up and asking us if we were ready. I simply nodded seeing her do so as well in the corner of my eye. He walked away and sat down before giving us a countdown and a thumbs up once we were ready to start.

I looked at the camera smiling as I officially started the interview.

"Hello! I'm Audrey Tindall and today I have the pleasure of interviewing the newest cast member of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N. Its a pleasure to have you on dear."I said turning away from the camera toward her. She gave me a small smile before speaking.

"Well it's surely a pleasure to be here." She spoke in a low sultry way. Her voice was smooth and made me gasp in realization that she's a Brit as well.

"Oh my goodness I had no idea you were British as well! Seems like I didn't study hard enough." I exclaimed in a playful like tone clapping my hands slightly. She laughed at my antics and I swear I fell under a spell.

"Well I'm usually doing an american accent in all of my roles so I guess it is a bit of a shocker." She smiled.

"Well I think its quite brilliant. Sounds a little better than mine actually." I teased softly which made her laugh once again. My heart melted further as I looked at her with a bright smile, I suddenly didn't feel so alone in this industry, knowing that I wasn't one of a kind anymore.

word count: 483

|| This slick sucked ass but I saw this prompt on tumblr and did it. The next one shot is gonna be a bit angsty so here's the light before the darkness.||

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