The Foutain

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This was set shortly after Zuko had accidentally burned Tophs feet and after he joined the team

Sokka's POV

Sokka had watched Toph from a distance. She had sat on the edge of the old, but fine, rock of the fountain as she cooled her feet, trying to help them. Katara did use her healing ability’s on her, but she needed to do the rest on her own. Sokka peaked his head out from the side of the wall, and watched her.

“ I know your there” Toph called, “ I’m not sure witch of you is there, but come out” she called. Sokka was confuse how she knew he was there without her feet on the rock. He then noticed her hand was still on the rock, that must have been how she did it.  After biting his lip he walked out from behind, “hey Toph” he waved. Tophs head perked up, “Sokka?” She asked, “ why are you here?”

Sokka then nervously fidgeted with his fingers. The truth was, he sways had a soft spot for the blind, yet strong girl. He knew she was very strong, and he felt proud about that, but she did have fears. Flying was one of them. Everytime they where on Appa, Toph had wrapped her arms around Sokka’s. At first, it was a bit odd, but it had started to grow on him. Toph was more than a friend to him, his feeling for her had tended to change.

But it wasn’t a sister love, it was, how to put it?


“ I came to check on you, you need anything at all, I’m your guy” he smiled, using his thumbs to point to him. He let out a friendly chuckled “anything at all”

“ I don’t get it” Toph turned her head back to the water, lowering it, “ your my guy?” She asked. Sokka’s face flushed with embarrassment, “n-no that’s not what I, uh” he fidgeted with his fingers. Toph didn’t answer. She stayed how she was, slowly waving her feet in the water. Sokka let out a heavy sigh of defeat before sitting next to her. He took off his shoes and socks and stuck his feet in the water as well.  He scratched the back of his neck before scooting a bit closer to her. Toph let out a frustrated groan, “ I don’t get it Sokka!” She shifted her hands into a fist, “ you are with Suki, so why do you treat me this way?” He asked, a bit more calm.

Sokka had bit his inner lip. He had a feeling Toph knew about how much he wished to protect her, but he thought she just saw it as a protective friendship, or like a sister. He was wrong.  “ you let me hold onto you when we fly, and you hold back. When I’m in a position that I’m having trouble, you come and help. And you have been picking me up, bringing me where ever I need. Now you are offering to get me anything, why?” She asked.

Sokka looked down at the water, “ t-Toph, I care for you ok. And I want to protect at all cost, but I know who you are,” he explained, “ you are strong, great on a battlefield. But, I can’t help but care” he sighed. Tophs head jerked up a little, “ care? Y-you care?” She asked, a bit confused to be honest.   “ well duh!” He threw his arms up, “ we all care for you Toph, even Zuko, and he has only been her for 30 minutes”

“ well, Katara and I dont really get along, I train Aang  a bit harshly, and Zuko is new here. B-but there really isn’t anything I have done to you to make you care less” she had admitted. “ d-does that you mean you care back?” Sokka asked. They were silent for a little, before Toph punched Sokka in the arm. He rubbed it, smiling, “I guess that’s a yes”

“ oh shut up” Toph crossed her arms. A grin then formed on her face, “ now, I want you to carry me to a cliff with grass so I can feel the sun and earth” Sokka’s face drained, “ carry you up all those stairs?” He asked.

“ you said anything at all” Toph pointed out. Sokka finally caved in. He dried off his feet and put on his socks and shoes. Then he picked up Toph, carrying her bridal style up the stairs. Toph had felt safe in his grasp, she had rested her head on his chest, focusing on his heartbeat. Once they reached the cliff they sat there like how they did when they had the talk about Katara. They talked about what ever, just enjoying the company of eachother.

Thanks for reading! also this IS on avatar amino, and i did write it there first. have a good day/ night!

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