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taeyong guesses that jaemin has made it a habit to sleep in taeyong's room, he has no problem with it he just wanted to know what was wrong with his old room

his aunt comes in "boys! get up, we have a busy day ahead of us" she yells at them and taeyong looks at her "i don't remember having anything planned today?" taeyong says wondering why they suddenly have a big day planned

"well now you do! you both are coming with me to my students graduation party" she says clapping excitedly and taeyong groans "i really don't want to go-" she interrupts him "well you're not staying here by yourself, so get up we have to go in thirty minutes and wake up jaemin too" she says walking out

taeyong lays back down "so much for relaxing today.." he turns to wake jaemin up by shaking him, jaemin whined"why must you always wake me up, you never let me sleep" he says pouting

taeyong laughs at him "yeah well apparently we have a party to go to, so get up and get dressed" taeyong says getting up to get in the shower first

30 minutes later..

taeyong leaves his room fixing his pants "is there any specific reason as to why we're going?" he asks not wanting to even leave the house "yes! i wanted you guys to attend..that's a good enough reason" she says grabbing her keys as they leave the door

as they arrive to the party, all taeyong sees is big bulky football players and the regular people that go to this school, who are also big and bulky

jaemin is lucky jeno got to tag along, taeyong didn't know anyone here but his aunt and she seemed to want to socialize with everyone here

"funny seeing you here" jaehyun says standing next to him, as taeyong rolls his eyes playfully "wow, i must admit it's surprising seeing you here- at a graduation party" taeyong says teasingly and jaehyun laughs "trust me sweetie, i'm smarter than you think" he says in a teasing tone

taeyong laughs "yeah i'll take your word for it" he says teasing back "so why're you here? i didn't see you as a party guy" he says smirking "very funny.. i'm here because of my aunt" he says as they both face each other with teasing grins

"your aunt? you sure you didn't come because of me?" he says smiling innocently leaning close to taeyong "in your dreams, i wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her" he says looking at jaehyun

"oh? really.." he says leaning in to kiss taeyong

they were kissing, and taeyong was all for it until he thought of doyoung, he pulled back "i'm sorry- i don't think i'm ready for this" he says walking away from jaehyun

taeyong felt weird, he felt attracted to jaehyun but he didn't know if he wanted to act on it.. he wanted to wait for doyoung, he didn't know if he wanted a relationship, especially with doyoung gone

he walks to his aunt "i'm gonna go home" he says quietly "what? but the party's not over yet" she says pinching his cheeks "it's okay you have fun, i'm gonna take a lyft home" he says softly smiling at her

she frowns "okay but don't miss me too much at home" she says making him chuckle

a couple minutes later..

taeyong gets home and instantly grabs a tub of ice cream, he couldn't believe he just rejected jaehyun especially when he let jaehyun kiss him, it just happened so quickly he didn't think he was ready

he calls yuta, "aw what's wrong yong" he says answering the call, frowning seeing taeyong pouting "i rejected a really cute guy today" he says as yuta stares at him shocked "you what- why?" he says not understanding "i don't know! i'm still stuck on doyoung, and kissing him just felt wrong but oh so good" he says playing with the hem of his shirt

yuta sighs "yong i love you, but doyoung is gone we don't know where he went and you getting laid- i mean getting comfortable with someone else is good for you" yuta says softly and taeyong groans "you're right, but it's too late now anyways.. he's probably messing around with someone else" he says pouting again

"well if he does, then let him fuck you, then cut him off" yuta says smiling and taeyong laughs "stop! i wouldn't do that to him" taeyong says smiling softly "see? you have some interest in him, just take it slow.. there's no problem in taking it slow" yuta says winking at him

as the call ends taeyong can't help but think if he should move on, i mean doyoung was his first everything and he doesn't want to let that go, he wanted to spend his life with him

but he disappeared, and taeyong thinks for the better.. he shouldn't have to keep waiting for doyoung to come back because if we're being real, will he?

taeyong groans feeling no more ice cream in the tub, deciding to just shower and relax for the rest of the day

AN://: this book is almost done :)) and i just wanted to give y'all a heads up that jaeyong will be in the next book! dotae will.. yeah you'll see IF i make a sequel i don't really know yet.

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐁 ➜ 𝐃𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐄Where stories live. Discover now