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AN://: this will be a sad chapter

johnny was angry that all these years people had told him to not say anything to taeyong the one time he says something it's too late

johnny drinks another shot, he wanted taeyong before doyoung did, and when he saw doyoung step out of his room he couldn't even argue why he didn't want them together

mark sits next to him "what's the matter johnny?" he says trying to push the bottle away from him, johnny looks at him "doyoung is with taeyong" johnny says grabbing the bottle next to him as mark stares at him "you mean the same doyoung that stalked him?" mark says scratching his head confusedly

johnny's body tenses "he did what?" and mark could only look more confused "you didn't know? um yeah doyoung stalked him, took pictures of him and everything" mark says resting his hand on his hand

johnny instantly knew what to do to get him back, he'll save him from that psycho and take him for his self

the next day johnny calls the police to do a search warrant in doyoung's house

the day of the search..

taeyong was cuddling with doyoung waiting for their food to get here when someone bangs on the door

taeyong's mom looks from in the kitchen "anyone expecting company?" she says walking to the door but when she opens it, she wasn't expecting the police to be there

"hello, by any chance is there a kim doyoung here?" the police man asks and taeyong's mom looks back at doyoung "they're here for you" she says moving away from the door

taeyong freezes what is this about? is he going to jail for.. stalking me? taeyong didn't know what was going on but he feels scared for doyoung and he doesn't want him to leave him

doyoung walks to the door as the police grab him to handcuff him "kim doyoung you are arrested for criminal harassment-" the police officer continues but taeyong couldn't hear

he was having a panic attack, what would he do without doyoung? he didn't want to have to know what it was like without him, he didn't want to be without him he loved doyoung

his mom stares in shock as the police drag doyoung away from the house, she walks over to taeyong "sweetie i need you to tell me if he stalked you or not" she says with a frown

taeyong couldn't answer, he felt like his whole world has been torn away from him

taeyong knows that people would call him stupid or say that he's blinded by love but he didn't see doyoung as a bad person, yes he stalked him but taeyong saw past that and call him stupid but he loved doyoung and it scared him to even think about him going away

"taeyong it's okay sweetie" his mom says holding him, she didn't understand but she knew that this was breaking him and she didn't know what to do

later that day..

yuta came over and taeyong is glad they made up because he doesn't know if he would be able to do this alone

"is he in jail?" yuta asks with a soft voice and taeyong looks in his lap "i-i don't know.. i haven't heard anything about him" taeyong says trying to be strong

and yuta only frowns at that "do you know who called the police on him?" yuta asks "no.. i only know that when they searched his house, they didn't find anything" taeyong says not wanting to cry again

yuta hums "i'm so sorry yong, i can only imagine how you're feeling right now" yuta says giving him a warm hug "i j-just want to see him again" taeyong says feeling like his soul was taken away from him

taeyong and yuta ended up cuddling all night.

AN://: okay so?? if i messed up ANYTHING in this chapter please tell me, i tried to do research but it wasn't really helping? so i tried my best

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