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three years later..

"taeyong have you seen my hair dryer?" jaemin asks looking in the bathroom, "no i haven't? but you can use mine" he says typing on his laptop as jaemin comes out " forget it, jeno will just have to deal with wet jaemin" he says sitting down next to him "whatcha doing?" jaemin says looking on his screen "i'm trying to apply to a better job" taeyong says sighing

"you're 19, the library is a good enough job" jaemin says getting up to put on his shoes and taeyong scoffs "no it's not.. i get paid 9 dollars and hour" he says and jaemin looks at him confused "yeah well at least you're not in school" jaemin says hearing the doorbell ring "oh! my date is here, how do i look?" jaemin says standing up and doing poses

taeyong laughs "you look funny doing those poses" and jaemin looks at him offended "rude... anyways i'll be home later, tell my mom i'm out bye!" he says running out the door to kiss jeno

taeyong sighs, it's been three years since he's heard or seen doyoung and he doesn't know if that's for better or for worse, he had a fresh new start here and he didn't have to worry about all of the things that happened when he was 16 because now he's 19 and doing better with his life

the door bell rings, "who the hell is at the door?" taeyong says turning his computer off to get the door

he opens it and sees a tall guy staring down at him "um hello? can i help you?" taeyong says trying not to blush at how built up this guy is "i'm jaehyun.. is chunhee here?" the dude further known as jaehyun says "my aunt? yeah she's upstairs.. may i ask what you need her for?" taeyong asks growing confused on why his aunt knew such a handsome guy

"she's my tutor" he says and taeyong probably should've asked him more questions but honestly he didn't know this man or his intentions so he calls his aunt downstairs

she runs downstairs "what child i told you i'm bus- oh jaehyun! hey sweetie what do you need?" she says suddenly warming up to him "i needed help with the assignment you gave out today, and i was hoping to get extra help so i graduate on time" he says as all of them walk inside

taeyong scoffs, why was a student talking to his aunt about work at her house.. wasn't that illegal? taeyong didn't trust this man, plus how did he know where she lived?

taeyong sits on a chair near them "so jaehyun what're you confused on?" she says sitting near him

taeyong couldn't believe his eyes, is this even allowed? in what world is a student allowed to come to a teachers house for "help", didn't seem like something taeyong would do or anyone, well.. or so he thought

an hour later

taeyong was still sitting there watching as jaehyun left smiling at his aunt "auntie why did a student come to your house?" taeyong says bewildered "because i told him too, he lives across the street so i help him here" she says shrugging at him

"isn't that against the law-" she interrupts him "no more questions about it, and where's jaemin?" she asks noticing how she doesn't hear her son screaming or bothering her "he went out- with jeno" taeyong says remembering just now he was supposed to tell her that

"they better use protection" she says walking away upstairs "ew why wouldn't- nevermind" taeyong says going to his computer again

he stays on his computer for another hour until he gets a call from yuta

"yong, you'll never believe the day i had" yuta says smiling big and taeyong laughs at him "what happened today?" he says knowing yuta wanted him to ask "jungwoo sucked my dick! and asked me out after" yuta says still smiling wide, taeyong laughs at him "gross, that's a weird way to ask someone out.." taeyong says smiling at happy yuta

"what about you? do anything special today?" yuta asks him "no not really.. i haven't been doing anything really- well but going to work" taeyong says sighing "don't be so lame, get laid or something" yuta says smirking at him "um yeah no thanks" taeyong says making a disgusted face

yuta laughs "fall asleep on the phone?" he says to taeyong, "sure" taeyong says as he walks upstairs to his room

they stayed on the phone until they both fell asleep late at night

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐁 ➜ 𝐃𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐄Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora