Chapter 1: New faces

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{A/N- Thank you for all your support}
Akashi x OC
Chapter 1: New Faces
The most beautiful girl in school. She had long brown hair and hazel eyes. Opposite her stood a girl equally as beautiful, maybe more. She held a certain ferocity in her aura disguising her beauty as intimidation. Her blond hair open in loose curls around her face, cerulean eyes shining bright with ulterior motives.

Everyone in the courtyard watched as the blond walked towards the brunette with a smile plastered sinfully on her face. A bouquet of flowers in her hand as she came to a stop in front of the girls who were overdone with makeup and sickening amounts of perfume on.
"Here, these flowers are for you" Ren, the now smirking girl handed over the flowers. Ren had played a trick on the group earlier that week, ruining their fun with teasing a kōhai, she herself in the first year.
"Awe thank you-" hana, the leader of the popular group was about to add on a snide comment, along the lines of 'but I don't accept gifts from street urchins' however; she never got the choice, ren stopped her.
"It's nothing special. They're all fake, like you! Have a nice day" and the girl walked off after shoving the bouquet in the arms of the older girl. The group surrounding them let loose a chorus of 'ooh's all whooping for the courageous kōhai.

Ren gave a chuckle to herself as the groups fanboys chased her, not happy with their idol being degraded.
"Oi! Come back and apologise to Hana-San!"
"Nah!" And with that the agile girl jumped over the fence with the aid of a near by tree, landing in all fours like a cat she gave a smirk and a salute as she took off.

Back at school, lunch time was over and the girls were arguing again.
"How much more ruder could she get!"
"She needs to be reported! She can't keep doing this!"
"Why the hell is she even at this school if all she does is mess around"
One of the girls had already gone to see the principle about the matter of the street urchin who would patronise the pretty of the school.
"It can't be helped, she probably doesn't even know how to act like a normal person"
"Commoners are feral creatures" oh the contradictions in their words.

The door knocked twice and the student council president answered;
"Come in" in his usual demeanour.
"I'm sorry to disturb but the principle said to discuss an issue with the president." The light haired girl turned red and flustered simply from setting eyes on the boy sat at the desk attending his piles of papers of upcoming work.
"What does this concern?" Akashi was cold in his words, his eyes showing boredom as the girl continued to fidget with he ends of the sleeves, looking down to her feet.
"One of the students is causing trouble to the second years"
"Name?" Akashi turned to his computer for a search of the student database.
"Ren" with an unintentionally piercing gaze he met eyes with the girl, expecting more. "I'm sorry that's all!" The girl was terrified now. Talking to people was not one of her strong points. Hana just liked to make her feel uncomfortable, so Hana would tell her to go and run her errands.

Akashi was soon to dismiss her. Lucky there was only one ren, the name somehow seemed familiar to Akashi though it shouldn't do. Shrugging off the thought he got on with contacting her parents. His eyes widening at the number on the screen.

~time skip~

=Ren POV=
With my hair tied up into a loose bun, some curls hung down tickling the top of my back slightly. I guess with the low back dress it was to be expected. The navy blue dress matched with the small jewellery on my neck and ears. The sparkles on the bottom half of the dress greatly complimented the silver in the jewellery.

I let out a sigh as I looked to myself in the mirror, the maid behind me giving a little smile to me. A knock came at the door before it opened. I looked to my mother, my smile fading as I met her stern face looking down at me.
"I see you're ready..." Her expression didn't change as she looked me up and down. My posture instantly straightened and became much stiffer.
"It's rude to keep guests waiting" she said finally turning around.
"Don't worry, you look beautiful" the maid reassured me in a whisper. I looked back to the mirror, not really wanting to do this anyway.
"I'm sorry but I can't believe your words" I answered curtly.

Walking out to the dinner table I looked to our guests.

The Akashi family.

{A/N- I was randomly inspired! I actually have over 40 unfinished fanfiction a from knb, free~ the likes and all sorts... I have commit-a-phobia like kaneki-kun ^.^}

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