Chapter 25: Locked up

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Chapter 25: Locked up
=No POV=
"Guess I'm alone again huh" Ren murmured to herself. The smirks and grins from earlier were long gone. Looking down, akashi had won fair and square. A dry chuckle escaped, she made plans to buy more clothes. But to get away with buying anything in the shops she would need a makeover. No way would they let a common looking person in with a puppy.

=Ren POV=
With my phone out, I called Mira.
"Ooh, I didn't expect you to turn into René so quickly, having fun with your boyfriend then"

"It's a secret. Get the team over and also a bunch of striped carnations" I said plainly.

"Aw, you're getting flowers for him!" Mira was kind of annoying sometimes. I looked down to jun, who was waiting patiently with a happy expression, wagging his tail.

"And bring some puppy accessories." I gave a little smile of my own to the cute puppy. I cut the call and waited.
The team arrived very quickly, they were extremely excited.
"Don't complain to Mira again about us making you look too good ok!" They said. I agreed to their terms. It seems Mira had already called the press too, such elaborate plans for my return.

'René' my more official name, used in magazines since I am seen to be a model, as well as a ballerina and musician. To the press I had been off studying in America with my elder cousin who is a designer. I should be now wearing elaborate clothing, well much different from a pair of shorts, a vest top and a jacket.

Walking out I made sure to tell them not to add my wig, so it would seem like I have had a hair cut when it is infact my actual hair. I really hate all the measures need to be taken. I'm even wearing heels. 'It's all about image' mother would say. 'How you present yourself to the outside world is most important. It's your identity' I think it is really shallow to think your identity is what other people think of you, based on your appearance...

Ok, emotional stuff out of the way, once again Jun-chan lead me to hans, and Kise, who turned to me with a smile and I smiled back.

"René-cchi you look beautiful!" He beamed. Whereas acting is not my forte, keeping up appearances is. With the leash in one hand and the bouquet in the other I hit him across the face. Hana let out a shriek, and Jun was barking happily.

"I don't think I want to be your girlfriend anymore you kissing freak" I whispered. Shoving the broken flower bouquet into his chest.

My little scene caused an uproar in the store, Hana gawked at me as I walked past, her mouth was open like it was stuck there. I gave a cheeky wink and she frowned, tending to Kise.

"WAH! That was fun!" I cheered a little outside, in an alley way, I couldn't have anyone see me, suddenly, I got a deep pain in my head, I felt like I was falling and I think I did. I could hear barking, and then people, and then sirens.

"I'll get you back" I heard somewhere...
=No POV=
"René is to stay here until her health has improved, there are lots more maids available to take care of her and lots more fresh air in the garden if she is well enough to go out. No more questions about it. That is my final word" Christina Hideki, head of the main house, had said her command. Zeyden sulked against the wall where as Maria tried to plead with the blond woman.

"Chrissy c'mon you're being a little unfair, can she at least go to school?" Maria proposed, knowing that Ren hated being locked up inside this house.

"I will invest in a tutor, one I can trust." Christina said glaring at the other woman.

"But she is losing her life being locked away! It was so much different when Masa was he-" Maria nearly bit ehr tongue. The name Masa Hideki was no longer allowed to be uttered in the main house.

"Silence, you're dismissed." Leaving the office both Maria and Zeyden looked at eachother with determination. They were not letting their little Ren-chan be taken away!
"I miss you so much..." Christina teared up, looking to a picture of the happy man smiling with all of his family. "I want that happiness again!" she whispered, lowering her head into her hands, silently weeping.

"Arff!" In an instant she was up, wiping her tears.

"Oh I forgot, you're René's pet. You helped save her, I get it" she gave a little chuckle to the puppy who came to sit on her lap.

"Want to go check on René?" She asked the puppy who nodded like he understood. Getting up and heading over to the door she posed, chuckling. "I'm talking to a dog!"

"Arff!" The puppy barked.

Walking into the room, blue hues cast everywhere due to the curtains. The temperature was on 19degrees. Ren had caught a fever while she was outside.

Walking over to her daughter, Christina sat down next to the still girl.
"I'm a horrible mother..." She stroked Ren's face, noticing the silver locket. It must have been a present from Zeyden...

Sleeping throughout the whole day Ren didn't notice the guest slip in and leave something under her bed. The puppy looked to this newcomer in a cute manner, recognising the person and was about to go and jump in to them, the figure just shushed the puppy.

"Make sure no one but Ren finds it" he ordered. Jun woofed quietly, jumping onto the bed and laying beside Ren.

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