Chapter 16: Hostillity

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Chapter 16: Hostility
=No ones POV=
"She is so annoying" one of Akashi's men had silenced the little orange haired girl, throwing her to the now empty bed.

"The back up team are on their way Akashi-sama, are you hurt?" The two men saw the blood coming from Akashi's shoulder, his weakened arm proving their concern.

"Shut up!" The red haired boy could sense the girl in his arms wanted to say something, her eyes were closed and her face grimacing at the pain pulsating through her body.


"What? Don't fall to sleep!" he knew bad things would come if she were to close her eyes.

"...I'm hungry..." Akashi forced out a hoarse burst of laughter.

"Stay awake, I'll get you some sweets, chocolate anything you want!" A painful smile spread on the girl's pale lips.

" you..." Ren sighed out, a ghost of a smile on her lips. Exhaustion taking over.

"Ren! Don't!" The sirens served as saviours to Akashi's anxiety. Ren was already weak. Could she really survive?
At the hospital there was yet more havoc to deal with.
"Maria Fuentes" a teary eyed Christina asked the receptionist.

"Room 301-"

"Quick! Get the operating room free! Multiple gunshot wounds and loss of blood!" Christina only glanced at the body being rushed in by the stretcher.

"René!" She cried, trying to run after the stretcher, only to be pushed out once past the white doors of the operation theatre.

"Chris, it's ok" the woman was told from behind.

"Zeyden. You-" she turned around to face the one who reminded her most of the husband she lost long ago. Tears brimming her long lashes, frowning through her emotions she marched over to him.

"She's safe now. She'll make it" he assured, it sounded like he was talking more to himself than his mother.

"You idiot! What the heck happened?!" She cried, fisting his chest in frustration. Only then to break down and start hugging him for support.

"Ask the red head..." Zeyden had a face of stone, dejected, looking to the entrance where Akashi stood watching, with a bandage around his arm.
The three waited in the waiting room outside of the 11th floor, owned by the Hideki's. Maria was recovering from her wound and was sleeping, she was being kept overnight for observation, a precaution taken for gunshot patients since she could have an embolism and die.

"She should have been unconscious! How on earth could she have jumped infront of you!?" Christina shouted at Akashi.

"That's not his fault" Zeyden argued. "Seijuro knew where Ren would be and went to save her, he gave her the medicine. He saved her life!" Zeyden was adamant on proving Akashi's innocence.

"But he-"

"It was that crazy girl who shot Ren!" Zeyden hated to admit it. He was usually so good at reading characters. He should have seen it coming.

=Akashi POV=
I watched how Zeyden tried to persuade Christina. I guess he was also trying to persuade himself. I had no choice though, I had to do it.

In the car kotaro told Zeyden which was the place that Kiki was holding Ren.

"Give emerged her medicine" I demanded.

"What why?" Zeyden was agitated and wouldn't listen to reason.

"You have to give me it. You want her to live don't you?" He was silent, staring at me with green eyes. Frowning.
"Fine" he gave up, he and kotaro headed in to the main building and I went to the back up.

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