Chapter 20: Letters

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Chapter 20: Letters
Once Zeyden came and told me off I was forced to do chores while Zeyden stood over me making me repeat that I will never talk to any boy ever again.

"You're being too harsh on her!" Maria came from behind Zeyden, hitting him over the head with a book. "Look at her adorable itty-bitty face~" Maria started fangirling... She sometimes did that spontaneously when she thought I looked cute, as in, when I am accidentally overflowing with cuteness.

Maria's brown eyes were sparkling, even Zeyden looked a bit softened up, then his face started turning gross and he started fake crying as he enveloped me in his long arms.

"How could you be so mean! You didn't even tell me!!" He whined with his head on my shoulder.

"Eh, what is there to tell?" I was a tiny bit confused.

"That you have a boyfriend!" He whispered, pulling back and holding me by the shoulders. Looking me right in the eyes.

"Oh that... Maria freaked out so I decided I don't want to tell you" I said casually. After a little silence he started nodding his head.

"I understand... You're planning on leaving us UWAHHH!" He started wailing. Honestly, sometimes it felt like I had an over emotional sister rather than an a cool onii-chan. He was really ruining his own image.

I stood with my eye twitching on seeing Maria hide her laughter.
"I'm not really in a relationship y'know, if anything I am married to my games."

"Good! Stay innocent" Zeyden patted my head and left.

Dumbfounded I left for my room.

"Lights out dear! Night" Maria called.

"Night RenRen!" Zeyden called. He is such a goof.

As soon as I lay down I felt a cold breeze. Walking up to the window yawning I nearly missed the letter on the window sill as I shut it. It was one of those old styled ones where they use candle wax as a seal. I wonder who it was for, turning it around it read.

"Dearest René" curiosity for the best of me and I opened the letter quickly, something light and shiny falling out. I picked it up, it was a little silver locket. I then diverted my attention to the letter.

"My dearest René,
With your hair as precious as the sun,
From gold it could have been spun,
With your will as fierce as fire,
Can you not see my desire?
Don't worry please,
I won't approach you,
Like a silent breeze,
With this letter I bid you adieu.
But be sure to keep the silver around your neck,
It'll keep me away,
Keep me in check,
It'll keep you safe, if you want to stay that way"

I frowned at the letter. What does this even mean...?...
"Heh?" I looked out to the nights stars, thinking. I couldn't show his to Maria or Zeyden, it will only freak them out more. But, the letter says I won't be safe unless I wear the necklace... What does that even mean? Is someone out to get me? Hurt me? Kill me?

Woah... Just like in some spy movie... I should have worn latex gloves before I touched it! But first, I'll have to put the necklace on, it's apparently made out of silver, maybe he is a vampire! It'll be like some otome game. The ones I am totally not into! Seriously, I told kame I like games and she assumed otome games. Ew.

=No Pov =
"Why didn't you tell me it was Ryota?" Zeyden frowned at Maria.

"I thought it would be funny" the woman smirked.

"You're a minx! Evil minx!" He flicked her forehead.

"I don't know about that, but I'm worried for Ren" the brown haired woman looked out to the dark expanse of the garden, it's beautiful flowers shrouded in darkness.

"I know, I guess she has to grow up sooner or later" Zeyden said sadly.

"Hey, don't worry, you're still going to be her precious onii-chan" Maria pinched the cheeks of her boyfriend.

"It feels like I'm giving her away though, she is too young" He was sad, coming back after so long and having to see his sister off with another guy, who, in his opinion, is not any where near to being as hot as him.

"She will come back"

"I hope so"
Through the darkness of the night a figure loomed over a sleeping girl.
"Hair spun from gold" came a low voice, fingers picking up strands of the shimmering hair, so beautiful in the moonlight. He raised the locks and pressed a soft kiss to them.

"I'm sorry René but I have to make sure he knows you are mine" he bent down, slowly lowering the neckline of the blond's top and pressing his mouth to her collar bone, sucking on the delicate skin.

"Mnnno" the girl had an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"Shh" the figure pressed their lips onto Ren's, silencing her. Though her eyes shot open, looking into the gold eye of the person in front, quickly she floundered to find the light, clicking it on only to find him gone.

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