Chapter 8: Proposal

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Chapter: 8 Proposal
The next day was an early one. Despite being a Saturday. The last week had been quite eventful; saving the innocent from evil senpais, riding my bike around new places and finally, finding random nice food in other people's fridge.

Which is what was happening now.

"Ugh! This is soo good!~" I moaned out to the maid who was trying to sneak past me.

She sweat dropped as she slowly turned around. Hoping I wasn't talking to her. She met my appeased gaze, cracking a smile.
"Heh, yeah..." She dragged out, swiftly gliding out the room.

I shrugged my shoulders and got back to eating the wonderful chocolatty, creamy, sugary, colourful dish infront of me. Did I care that this is unhealthy? No. Did I care I was wrapped in just a blanket? No.

"What on earth are you doing?" Came an exasperated sigh from the door way, looking up I burst out laughing at seijuro.

"Seiji! Your bed head! Bwahhahah!" I guffawed, violently slapping the table infront of me as my posture gave way.

"You are really something (!)" He sighed out, his eyes twitched in annoyance as he walked past.

"Oh! I already made you breakfast!" I said with a bright smile, he turned and I met with his worried expression as he looked down to my bowl of heaven.

"Really?" He grimaced at the thought.

"No! This is mine! Yours is in there! Baka!" I pointed to the plate, covered by a steamed glass dome. I huffed as I turned around.

Not a word was said as he silently brought the food to the table and ate. When I felt thirsty I poured two glasses of refreshing juice and set them out.

The atmosphere was much more thicker now. I could feel the water like air filling my lungs and leaving. Hear myself inhaling and exhaling, munching and crunching. This was torture.

"No breakfast conversation?" I was met by a blank stare. "Let's talk about-" I looked around the room. "-cereal! My favourite is Krave! What's yours?"

"Lion" he answered and got back to eating his breakfast. I narrowed my eyes at him. Why such a closed answer?!

"Why aren't you playing with me?!" I nagged with a whine, kicking my bare feet against the seat I was on.

"Are you a child?" He glared, his voice ice cold. I stayed silent as I drifted my gaze from him. The one person I thought I could hang around without anything being weird... Didn't fall through.

"Thanks for the food" I numbly said, walking to the sink and dumping my bowl and spoon in there. I left without a word.

Why was he being so mean to me? I got to his room and found a new change of clothes for me to wear, washed and pressed. Getting changed I thought about the boy downstairs. He is my soon-to-be brother. Is that what it's going to be like all the time?

=Akashi POV=
The break fast was really delicious. I watched as Ren left, her exposed back innocently fuelling my desires. I gave a sigh as she left. My composure dropping and my shoulders slumped as I looked down to the half eaten plate. She must be lonely, she 'played' with me yesterday though she was forced into it. She did enjoy herself. On many occasion did she laugh and smile.

Her smile was gone now. I didn't want to be the one who would wipe the smile of her beautiful face. But, she was turning into the one who would cut off my control. Turning me selfish. I already am.

I recognised my need to monopolise her. The girl who no one knew. I wanted to know all about her. I'm getting there, I want to know more. The way her hair falls around her face, the soft shades of blue in her eyes. Cold like ice yet electrifying. Her gaze stings. I like this feeling of excitement.

A knock at the door steered my attention.
"Akashi sama, your father requests to speak with you" I gave a little frown. What could he want? With a silent nod I dismissed the maid. Then the door opened again.
"And your friend is gone" she added before bowing and heading out the door. Ren didn't even bother saying goodbye.
"I'm sure you understand the circumstances seijuro, this is a very important client. The deal must be made so it is hard to break. We can't lose this." I listened to how my father played with his words. As if he was talking to a child.

"Who proposed the original idea?" I inquired.

"Akiyama of course" I clicked my tongue inside my mouth. Hiding my thoughts of unease in my head. I know it would be futile to go against this, I'll have to show him myself. This is no good.

"Ok" I said.

"Great! You already know Hana-San right?" I nodded. "She is waiting for your first date outside." I was surprised at the urgency of this. He most likely wanted me out of his way, he shouldn't deny me but he does.

"Go! Have fun, like teens should. Just make sure you don't mess up, or show us up. You're dismissed." And with that I left for my date.

{A/N- I'm sorry I'm really lazy...
Thank you for everything}

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