Chapter 13: Captured

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Chapter 13: Captured

=Ren POV=
I couldn't take it, not after what he did to me. I had to get out of that place. I cycled slowly out of the school grounds, it was still lunch time but I wasn't planning on going back. Too much has happened for me to be able to deal with it all.

I ended up taking a stop at the park, sitting on the grass I found a little comfort in the soft sounds of the distant children playing in the play ground area. Some old people walking their dogs, some young people out doing business. This was a pretty nice place.

"AARRGHH!" I let out a cry of annoyance at everything that was bothering me at the moment.

First Zeyden appears after years of absolutely no contact and acts like he knows everything about me, then seiji goes and reminds me about the fake 'me' and saying weird stuff and then. And then... What then? I'm pissed off at myself because I can't keep a lid on my emotions. I just do whatever the hell I want. Why? Why can't be normal and think rationally.

I'm sure I could have said some back hand comment that could have offended seiji as much as he offended me. Oh well. My hands speak better than my words. I'm happy I punched him, well nearly.

I laid down, the blades of grass under me, tickling at my back, the mildly cloudy sky above, shielding me from the harsh gaze of the sun. The soft sound of footsteps crunching the firm blades of grass at contact, wait what?

"Renren~" I heard a sing songy voice. I narrowed my eyes to the entrance of the bushes, a girl came out, she had bright orange hair and green eyes, a big smile plastered on her face.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely to the girl in a rakuzan uniform.

"I came to see how you were" her voice was that of a little kid, she brought two icecream cones into sight, my eyes glued onto them with delight.
I had fun with Kiki. Though all the time consisted of her buying me food and then me talking to her about anything and everything. I had to beware of what I was saying obviously. I told her about my problems but stuck them onto an imaginary friend so she wouldn't know it was me.

Pretty soon Maria found me... I have no idea how but it's best not to ask her since at the moment because she is fuming. Well it had gotten pretty late into the evening.

"-And the nerve! How dare you have the audacity to run away from school! Do you know how worried I was!? You're lucky Zeyden told me where you might have gone otherwise you could have been kidnapped and-and-God knows! Don't you ever do that again! I left a clear note with your breakfast saying I would be out for a while and you were to STAY HOME! Why didn't you?" She reprimanded me. To be honest I never saw the note... I was too busy with the food, but Maria didn't have to know that.

I sat quietly, sulking as I looked out the window. The street lights were on, and no one was insight as we drove, save for the few suspicious characters that would always hang around alone in the dark just staring at people.

"I was really worried René" Maria's voice was a lot softer. I looked in the rear view mirror to see her face, she really looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm fine, there isn't anything to worry about" I tried reassuring her.

"Try hearing that from my point of view" Maria was upset with me.

We got to zeyden's house and he was busy with his work. Being a new teacher and all. I was again left alone in my room. I don't know the difference between this house and the main house. I thought I would get to hang with someone but it turns out I was wrong. There was a cold sting on the room, probably because the window was open, I had to stay awake long enough to finish my work though, or els mum would get mad she would be home soon.

I didn't have a cell that I could call any friends, but they weren't really my friends. I guess I'll just have to stay by myself for a little while longer. I'm sure someone would have time for me soon, but I didn't want to trouble anyone... I couldn't do that to them.

While studying I suddenly felt fatigue hit me like a train and I felt extremely tired, my body was sluggish and I couldn't move, my eyes quickly darted to the little bottle of emergency pills on my shelf, if only I could- I couldn't reach, I fell and couldn't feel anything.
"Hey, you took quite a stumble, want some water?" I heard Kiki from earlier. My eyes slowly opened.

"Uh, yeah" I tried sitting up only to hear the rattling of chains, I again fell.

"My my, you look even cuter now than in any of the magazines..." I looked to the seemingly innocent looking girl, only to find a totally different person. Though they still looked the same.

"Why are you doing this! Let me go!" The room itself was dim, the only lights coming from the few candles in the room. I felt a deep pang of fear from within me.

"You are very fragile... Like a flower..." I felt a cold hand graze my cheek, I immediately flinched. Grimacing to the small girl with a look of terror, my image reflected in her fiery green eyes. What the hell have I gotten into?!

{A/N- I am evill muahaha ~ I'm on to writing later chapters. Prepare yourself for intensity!}

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