Taking Care of His Cry Baby

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"Who was hugging you just now? Is she somebody important?" Saint questioned Prince Zee. Saint looked utterly despondent.
"It hurts Zee." Saint held his chest.

Prince Zee was surprised by Saint's sudden outburst but nevertheless he took a few steps towards Saint and wrapped his arms around the distraught and upset cry baby. He gently held Saint's head with one hand and wrapped Saint's body with his arm.

"Baby... I'm sorry." The Prince was raking his mind thinking of whom he had hugged that afternoon and made Saint extremely unhappy and probably jealous.
"Do you want to go somewhere Saint?" Prince Zee asked him and Saint nodded his head.

People around were beginning to stare at the two of them. Being a prominent figure had its pros and cons; at the moment the Prince was not happy with what was unfolding. He was used to the attention but Saint was not. He saw Angel coming out of the house with Fluke and Earth.  He waved at them. They quickly walked towards Prince  Zee who was still holding and hugging Saint.

"Is everything okay?" Angel asked the Prince.
"Is it okay if you guys help pack Saint's stuff? I'm going to send him to our car. I'll be back." Prince Zee started walking towards the front of the house with Saint .
"Don't worry Zee. You take care of Saint." Earth stated as the Prince and Saint walked away.

Prince Zee and Saint arrived at their Mercedes and the Prince unlocked the car. He then slowly let Saint sit down on the passenger seat and carefully closed the door. He then walked around and got into the driver's seat and closed the other door. He turned on the car and the air conditioning. He slowly turned facing Saint who still looked hurt. He studied Saint for a while.

"Don't cry Saint." Prince Zee murmured. He then raised his hand and touched Saint's face.
"It hurts." Saint whispered.
"You're jealous Baby..."
"I guess I am..." Saint nodded and more tears fell.
"You don't have to be jealous of anything Saint. You know I am yours." The Prince gathered Saint in his arms.
"She hugged you for too long and too tightly and she did not let go!" Saint growled.
"Don't you trust me Baby?" Prince Zee questioned him.
"I do..."
"I don't trust HER! Whoever she was!" Saint spat. Prince Zee smiled by Saint's remark.
"I hugged a few girls and boys and women and men today... I am sorry if I made you feel miserable Saint." The Prince apologised to his boyfriend.
"Why did you hug that many people?" Saint ranted.
"They used to be my agents... We're like brothers and sisters!" The Prince explained.
"You don't hug Poppy like that!" Saint countered and that made Prince Zee smiled again.
"He's a certified jackass." The Prince laughed.
"Don't laugh! I'm still SAD!" Saint complained.
"Forgive me... My handsome cry baby." Prince Zee kissed Saint's temple.
"Out of 7 billion people in this world... I gave up my throne for just one. You!" The Prince whispered. Saint tightened his arms around his boyfriend.

The MPV was filled with silence except for Saint's occasional hiccups. Prince Zee moved his arms up and down Saint's body to make his cry baby feel better. Saint's hiccups slowly subsided.

"I'm sorry for being jealous." Saint  murmured.
"I don't mind at all Baby... I feel... Happy." Prince Zee answered.
"But why?" Saint asked him.
"It shows how much you love me and how possessive you are of me." The Prince replied.
"You are not angry with me?" Saint questioned.
"No Silly! Remember when Ali came here to visit you?" Prince Zee queried and Saint nodded.
"When he was with you... Hugging you... I felt like chopping off his arms!" He informed Saint.
"I was so damn jealous of you two! I was fuming!" The Prince added.
"You were an asshole at that time Zee." Saint stated.
"I was... I wanted you and I could not have you and Ali came prancing with his smart mouth. I still can't believe he's Nick's boyfriend!" Prince Zee grumbled.

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